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Status Updates posted by bearj

  1. Thanks for the welcome! First time on one of these forums. Have recently bought a 2007 Pressara with low k's and am quite pleased so far with the car, apart from a few little problems which maybe members will be able to help me with. Up until now have been driving a 95 Vienta which is still going strong and have had no problems with, which was the reason for going to Toyota again. First issue we have is the moonroof, opened and tilted ok at first but after a couple of times opening it...

    1. bearj


      don't know what happened there. cont....the roof will not slide open only tilts. Another query is the headlight washer function, are there wipers hidden in the lights or is it just water to clean with as nothing at all happens and there is water in the tank? Any suggestions most welcome, thanks

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