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Posts posted by RNerd

  1. Hi Toyota family members,

    One of the bulbs on my 2012 Camry has blown and instead of going to the mechanic - I am trying to replace it myself (I will be very proud if I can do that myself).

    The current globe is a halogen (yelloish) light and I was hoping to replace it with something which is more on the white side - is that something possible? I am not looking to change the current system to LED but was just hoping to get something that is a bit more white than the current yellow-ish tone.

    If someone has done that in the past, can you please point me to the right direction? I would like to buy the best globe in the market for maximum visibility (preferably something better than the original that I have).

    Sorry I am a bit of a naive when it comes to car so would appreciate any assistance or guidance re this.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Looks like we already have few threads on this forum regarding the above topic but they all are outdated - So I thought I would add another thread discussing the same.

    Since most new cars do have DTR LED lights pre-installed, my question is can anyone guide me to right direction that how can I have that added onto my Camry Atara S 2012 model?

    I really like those LED lights and they are damn cheap on EBay, but my accounting degree doesn't really allow me to play around with the car mechanism. Does anyone know, or (even better) does Toyota Service Centre deal with those kind of demands?

    Thanks peeps and be nice, this is my first post on the forum! :)

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