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Posts posted by Reezas

  1. Don't fill the car it usually has just one adult, 2 kids and the days bags. It is usually just around town trips small little town so it only takes max 20 min to get from one end to the other with traffic, not many hills around here.. I do try to let it sit and idle for a few min if I have time. (Didn't think this made a big difference is it supposed to)

    I Do a 25-40km round trip on the highway once a week and maybe a 600km round trip every 3-6 months. Car is great on highway getting around 650km on a 60L tank (prob not great to some but considerably better consumption than I get around town)

    Understand every car is different but other family members own Toyota Camrys in same town (earlier model) and they get fantastic consumption and same amount of driving.. Am willing to try anything to get the consumption down as fuel isn't getting any cheaper.

  2. My fuel light goes on at 3-5l remaining, which stresses me sometimes as it really doesn't leave me much fuel left to muck around with; lucky their are petrol stations everywhere.

    I am not a lead foot but don't drive ridiculously slow either.

    So my last receipt is 57.3L and 389 km 57.3 / 389km = 14.73L

    I also have one for 54L and 372km 14.5L

    So saying I average around 14.5L per 100km would probability be more correct. As normal ill up is between 55-57 L and get not more than 400km every 2 weeks.

    If I could figure out how to change it would be great to get it closer to 10-11L per 100km.

  3. Tyres are good along with pressure. top priority with kids.

    Weather overdrive is off or on it is the same, tested a few times separately.

    I have a 60L tank and only get 400km per tank

    60/400 x 100 = 15L per100km

    Has been this since I brought it in 2010 with 36,000km on it.

    Great car just fuel and breaks are the two problem I can't figure out.


  4. I own a 2003 Toyota Camry sportivo four cylinder sedan with only 66,000km. The car has four wheel disc brakes and ABS.

    About a year ago, I started to notice a shutter so the disks were machined and got new disk pads no problem with that.

    Few months later I started to notice that there was excessive travel in the brake pedal. . That is, the pedal will travel an excessive distance before there is any braking action. Being an old chap my dad who always maintained my car himself, and diagnosed and repaired most problems, We concluded that the problem was the master cylinder because when stopped at a light, the brake pedal would continue to go down. Incidentally, there has been no loss of brake fluid since I bought the car late 2010 with 36,000km (I am second owner).

    Recently, I had the master cylinder replaced, and learned that we are not as car-smart as we thought. There is slight to no improvement in the pedal travel problem at lights. Also in the mornings / after leaving my car sit for hrs I have issues with the breaks straight away (excessive travel distance in pedal) and sometimes think the car won't stop down my driveway ;I have tried to correct the problem by pumping the brakes as I back out of my driveway to engage everything but doesn't always help, the breaks slightly work but will then correct itself 100 m down the rd when the breaks actually start to work properly and stop with the lightest touch of the pedal , we have bleed breaks again but can not find a solution.

    Do you have any idea of the cause my problem?

  5. Hi, newbie here :)

    I have a 2003 sportive 2.4L very disappointed in the fuel consumption, only had my car for 2 yrs 2nd owner, great condition only 66,000km (brought with36,000km on the clock)

    I roughly get 15L / 100km around town

    And 9-10L / 100km highway

    I use 95/98 octane as it tends to use more on normal unleaded.

    Would love suggestions in how I could better my fuel consumption. I have tried not using the air-con, driving slower etc nothing seems to change it.


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