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Posts posted by PeterH

  1. I need to add power steering to my 1981 Celica to keep the car.

    I've been told about using parts from a MA45/46/47 Celica Supra but these parts are impossible to find.

    I've even looked at electric power steering but have told that it would be illegal to do the conversion on a road car.

    Does anybody know how to add power steering to my car?

  2. It may interest you to know that the RA40 Celica liftback was the only model to be designed by Toyota California with the coupe be derived from the lftback by Toyota Japan. I guess that's why the RA 40 seems to have so much more room inside the cabin, especially the width, and the liftback area is also huge c.f. other model Celicas. I know, because I raised a family and have umteen opportunities to compare it with subsequent Celicas at the annual motor show. Sure its gutless, but it's smooth and quiet and has done a fantastic job hauling us around since we bought it new in Feb 81. I agree that the round headlight model didn't look as good as the B model (which I've got) - I had one of the early ones for a year before trading it on the B model which by 81 came with TST (Toyota Suspension Tuning) and other equipment which were extras on the A model. I've still got it. By the way, I made the big mistake of installing an exchange Veem engine which lasted barely 20,000 k's before the valves went and so did the warranty. Watch them! I ended up with another recon head and had hardened seats added so now I run it on Preium 95 octanne unleaded no problems.

  3. I've heard of people getting KE20 parts or even whole cars out of Japan and importing them for parts or for restoration projects. I was wondering if anyone knew of any contacts in Japan. I found some great, new but expensive parts for KE20's on ebay in Spain, but not the parts I'm looking for. I guess it's getting to the stage where I'm going to have to find an engineering firm to remanufacture some of the bits I need.

    I think you replied to my previous post where I was looking for a heater valve for my KE20 saying that you did not have one. Even an old one suitable for recon. would be good.

    I've been to toymods but they want $50 before you can browse and I'm on a tight budget - got a RA40 Celica and a CC Lancer in need of TLC as well. But thanks for your advice.

    By the way, you wouldn't happen to have the interior sunshades out of your KE20?

  4. I'm looking for a source of KE20 parts. Does anyone know of where there might be one within Australia? Alternatively, has anyone sourced parts from Japan or the USA direct and know of a reliable source overseas? I've already had a look at ebay without much success.


  5. The heater control valve in my model KE20 is located on the inside of the car, mounted on the left side of the actual heater-fan unit. Its OK provided you leave the temperature control on high, however, when you slide it to low, the valve begins to leak water all over the carpet. This means leaving the temperature control on high but I'm not sure how much longer this will last. Besides, it's not exactly cool in the cabin on a hot day as it is.

    Can anyone suggest where I could get a replacement to fit the original mounting or can this valve be repaired? The after market types are real cheap and nasty plastic ones and have to be mounted under the bonnet which means re cabling as well.

    Appreciate your help.

  6. I own a very original RA40 Celica with a blue interior and am in need of some trim parts to restore its interior. Can anyone help with tracking down:

    a blue day-night mirror (the flick switch on mine is broken);

    a blue driver's side seatbelt with buckle (the buckle and tongue on mine have seen better and safer days);

    a blue cover for the inside of the rear door (goes over the wiper motor- mine's cracked in several places).

    On the outside of the car, I'm looking for the black cover over the A pillar. Someone broke the plastic clips underneath the cover at a car yard and now the cover springs out and flaps wildly in the air whenever you exceed 100 kph.

    Maybe I'm asking a lot for my old tank (compared with my KE20) but I'd appreciate any help offered.

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