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Everything posted by akuma

  1. sif rolleyes noob, twin cam mang! ever heard of vvti ? LAWL
  2. hey, would a 4x114.3 patten fit my sisters car? its a sportivo corolla 05". thanks!
  3. cant help, no mechanic. only help i could give you is lead you to the path of buying a new camry :)
  4. akuma

    My last mod.

    ow man, that fkn hurts, sorry to hear about it man.
  5. yeh, spotted on the eastern freeway heading towards city about 7.40ish, and its michael , not micheal ;)
  6. ahermm, camrys too :D nice pictures taken mario
  7. hey guys had fun tonight, but next time should organise a proper place hahaha
  8. dont ask me, i jst did a basic goggle haha
  9. jsptvo, not good man, not good. <_< see ya guys tonight at pre meet , and dont eat cause we gunna have dinner with the rest. bad idea having premeet at maccas haha
  10. sweet, got location, now what time? haha
  11. hahaha, im saving to lower me car :D , after that save up for phillips hidssssssss
  12. um, exactly where is the cafe place, and what we having for dinner.
  13. why dont we all go cruise down to dandenong area and watch 300 on drive thru screens ?
  14. nice nice nicee, another corolla -_-'' hehe
  15. i dont know, proberly stock headunit? i havent really looked into it. :/
  16. dont forget guys next day is GOOD FRIDAY, wouldnt it be a public holiday for all working people?? it is for me
  17. cool im already added. the twistie cruise = mt dande?
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