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Posts posted by Landcrooza

  1. Hi guys, I had this warning come up (check VSC System) the day after purchasing a used 2008 VX Turbo Diesel Land Cruiser with only 90,000 km's on the clock...

    The only way the car would start was by holding the engine start button for about 15 seconds, it also wouldn't shift out of park, but by pressing the shift lock button I could get the car into drive & reverse etc...

    The car drove normally, I had none of the dramas other people have mentioned in this thread with the car only going 20km's an hour, but after reading the thread I was waiting for it to happen, but luckily it didn't...

    I went to my mechanic & he plugged his computer in & the error code identified a fault with the "master cylinder pressure switch:...

    Rang Toyota, they said it was $2000 + labour for a reco'd master cylinder because apparently you can't just replace the switch, I nearly died...

    Rang the previous owner & he said the car never skipped a beat, I thought he was pulling a shifty & I'd bought a lemon...

    I checked all my fuses & noticed the tail light fuse was blown, so I replaced it & it blew again straight away... My mechanic & I were standing around trying to figure out what else it could be when I remembered the previous owner removed the electric brakes he had on the car for towing...

    Sure enough we checked out the wiring under the steering wheel where it was previously installed & there were the 4 wires just hanging there rubbing up against the other wires & metal parts of the dash...

    He'd obviously just cut the wires & not bothered to tape up the ends... As soon as we moved the wires the warning disappeared... A bit of electrical tape on the end of the wires & everything worked fine, no dramas since...

    If any of you guys have this problem & you have electric towing brakes make sure it's not just some dodgy wiring before you do anything, you'll save yourselves a heap of cash & a massive headache...

    Cheers, Glen...

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