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Posts posted by emseadub

  1. Thanks, prodigy! Definitely won't knock it, only had it for a few hours before I had to leave town for work, and I am impressed already! Haha same here, ended up just giving my old one to my mechanic to strip down for parts, even though she still ran! I didn't even think to look at the Aurion, bit of an upgrade on your old Altise, is it?

  2. G'day my Aussie (and other) Toyota brethren! Just went and bought my 2007 Camry Altise yesterday, still waiting to pick her up 😁Finally gave up on my 1994 Camry I bought as my first car 10 years ago. Decided to stop spending money on that one after 500,000+ks and unknown $s - but the bloody thing is still going, 2 years later! Definitely time for an upgrade, though. Never even thought to look for a mob like you lot, but better late than never! Will post pics when I pick the new beast up; and by beast I mean boring and stock... For now!

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