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Andrey Novikov

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Posts posted by Andrey Novikov

  1. Hi, I'm a proud owner of HZJ76L-RKMNSV, built in 2013 for Arab region. I live in far-far-away Russia. Unfortunately it is not sold here by Toyota so there is no chance to get any support for it officially.

    Can you help me with one urging question: I need a genuine Toyota accessories catalog for Land Cruiser 76. There must be one distributed in Australia as you are lucky to be able to buy the-best-ever-offroad-vehicle officially. In particular I need a part number for towbar wiring kit (13 pin or at least 7 pin).

    I would also like to buy official repair (service) manual, I know Toyota provides paid access to them but I can not find such site for Australian market. I have found European and American sites but there is no information about 70 family because it is not sold there.

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