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Posts posted by Tess28

  1. Thanks Jocelyn

    This is starting to feel like trying to find a needle in a hay stack!! It doesn't seem like anyone (so far) can really tell us what is wrong with our cars. I have 2 small kids and I'm really apprehensive to drive to far with them in the car in case something goes wrong. I'll give this oil thing a try and let you know how it goes.

    That's a bummer your car is still not right after spending $$ on it, that really frustrates me.

    There is plenty online on this topic, kinda off putting, I am a really big fan of my Rav4 and the last thing I want is for it to end up on the metal heap :(

  2. Well it's now my turn! ! I love my 2001 Rav4 and have never had anything go wrong with it until now! ! I too have the problem of the gears getting stuck from first to second gear.... I've been to my local mechanic and he suggested flushing oil thru it and changing the oil filter.... He didn't guarantee or would work. .. Do you think I should bother or should I go straight to replacing the ECU???

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