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Posts posted by Sleeper

  1. who told you that... dynos are a tuning tool but are not as inaccurate as every 1 say they are... they do give fairly accurate torque readings so dnt talk from your a-ss

    Seems like you're the one talking from your a-ss.

    The torque figure is the least accurate representation of engine power due to driveline multiplication etc.

    Do you seriously believe the engine has 1200Nm?

    Hey mate, do even have a clue at what your looking at on a dyno sheet!!??? Cause I seriously doubt it!! Think about it man..the figures shown on a dyno sheet are from where?? The wheels! NOT the engine... so of course the engine doesnt put out 1281.9Nm of torque! As I said in other replies, that figure is divided by the ratio stated, which is 5.300.. you then get an accurate engine torque figure of 241.86Nm OK!

  2. no i dnt believe it has 1200 nm in fourth gear on the dyno... do you agree with me that fourth gear is a true reading of the engines power to the wheels as it is a 1-1 ratio and hence y dyno runs are done in 4th gear as all the lower gears 1-2-3 have torque multiplication as the output gear is bigger than the input gear ...so if the torque wasnt measured in 4th gear the reading would not be correct like this example of 1200nm

    and of course dyno's are not completely correct everybody knows that.. there are many variables for example temperatures tyre pressures and oils are just some of them.

    I think you guys that cant read dyno sheets need to listen and learn for once, instead of mouthing off about something you havnt got a clue about! It gets real boring listening to all the dribble!

    Fisrt of all, the torque figure you see on the sheet is torque measured @ the wheels! hense why it looks unbelievable.. To get the accurate torque figure of the engine, you take the 1281.9 figure and divide it by the ratio which was 5.300.

    1281.9 divided by 5.300 = 241.86Nm from the engine!!!!!

  3. who told you that... dynos are a tuning tool but are not as inaccurate as every 1 say they are... they do give fairly accurate torque readings so dnt talk from your a-ss

    Seems like you're the one talking from your a-ss.

    The torque figure is the least accurate representation of engine power due to driveline multiplication etc.

    Do you seriously believe the engine has 1200Nm?

    I think you guys that cant read dyno sheets need to listen and learn for once, instead of mouthing off about something you havnt got a clue about! It gets real boring listening to all the dribble!

    Fisrt of all, the torque figure you see on the sheet is torque measured @ the wheels! hense why it looks unbelievable.. To get the accurate torque figure of the engine, you take the 1281.9 figure and divide it by the ratio which was 5.300.

    1281.9 divided by 5.300 = 241.86Nm from the engine!!!!!

  4. Even if the Blitz s/c doesn't achieved 200kw wheels I wouldn't mind buying it if I intend to forced induct my Celica, mainly because it helps power below lift.

    Most bolt on kit promises 30-40 percent power increase on top end power range anyway, way more than enough. Unless you are Kw junkies.

    A similar result may be comparable; the celica owner from Brisbane who Rotrex-ed his Celica achieved 200hp wheels, translated to 140kw-150kw wheels.

    But if you just care about kw in your Sportivo/Celica, you probably just want to go fast in a straight line. Which in my opinion, you bought the wrong car.

    I couldnt agree with you more!! There are to many people who think that kW figures are all that count!! Wake up and smell the cheese! having all the kW's in the world does not mean your going to have a fantastic fast car to drive around in! Balance is where its at..the balance of power and torque to match the chassis is the key to overall success!!

    If you want a quarter mile straight liner then go for it..why you would ever choose a late model corolla!!!! who knows.

    Personally i'll have my supercharged 2ZZ any day of the week!!

    ill take my turboed 2zz any day of the week !!!!! :P :P :P :P

    mate either bring urs to aus or ill come to nz for a s/c vs turbo 2zz battle ..... lol ..... since none of the aus boys r gonna dig deep n get the blitz :P :P :P :P :P

    Now we are talking!! Wouldnt that be a sh*tload of fun... Make a damn good video too!!

    Two things people forget about when talking about moding a 2ZZ is reliability for one and fuel economy... Believe me, the savings on huge gas bills and costly engine repairs, the Blitz kit is a bargin! Im getting on average..540kms to a tank!! and I boost it all day long!

    What would you expect out of a turbo 2ZZ?? 250-300kms at the most! Then you have the engine rebuild to fork out for when that 11.5:1 comp ratio sends a piston out the side of the block hahaha..

    20 laps around Pukekohe against my S/C..ha you wouldnt have a chance making it to the end of the race..

    Good luck tho..

    thats a pretty bias statment, i have seen xoom's engine and ill tell you that it would smoke a stock engine for durability even if he ran around on 20psi all day long, your fuel consumption estimates are little off too.....also if you were doing a turbo setup you wouldn't be using 11.5:1 cause you would know that somthing like 8.8:1 is a much better option..

    Ok sherlock holmes, in what way are my fuel figures a little off then?? And what are the accurate figures you have?? Thanks for the lesson on compression ratios too! If you didnt realise I was having a laugh..ya know..a joke (hense the hahaha..) then you do now :blush:

  5. I read it as suggesting you'd run out of fuel before 20 laps was up with the high boost turbo setup ;)

    Yeah I don't know...sounded alot like an open challenge to me - xoom, you know what to do...race him for slips :P

    hahahahahaha well to educate on some of his assumption i will put this picture up ..... this is how i easily run 9psi around the tightness of a track to conserve petrol and have 9psi on tap from under 3K rpms (all 9 pounds .... not building to 9 ;)) and how i leave things standing still down the straight at the push of a button to switch to 17.5psi ......... next assumption please ? :P :P :P


    Sorry mate, how on earth does putting up a picture of your steering wheel and instrument cluster show that your car can display the performance you stated????

    Maybe we should all put pictures of our steering wheels and see whos the fastest.. :clap::blush:

  6. Hi guys,

    Just want to make a comment.

    The blitz kit is a bolt on kit. At the moment, I do not know anyone is experienced enough to do a turbo kit in melb. The Blitz kit will provide a peace of mind for ametuers who want increase of power, but not at the extreme.

    I believe that zoom's car is very quick but I will not be a person that can handle this much power and drive all that power all day!


    Will this much amount of power, will it benefit on the track.

    I personally believe the balance of power, handling, driver skills, type of track and braking is all in one.

    I know at ppl who drives fwd cars (like civics, integras can match pace with fast big turbo cars at winton) cos winton is focused on small quick corners, and not many long striaghts)

    If you talk about drag race on straight, no doubt your car can kill any supercharge cars.

    I am not baised on any side, just I think there are always pros and cons on either getting supercharge or turbos, it realli depends on your driving style, skills and needs.

    Hey mate ..... as state i have made every mod possible so that the car can be setup for straight out straight line speed AND circuit racing if need be ...... again if u look @ what i have previously posted if ur not happy with 9psi of boost @ under 3K rpms then i dunno what will make u happy because then the s/c from blitz doesnt make u happy either ...... i 110% agree that going a custom kit requires time, knowledge and patients + a larger budget because thats the nature of the game ...... but wen its finished and its all come together that smile it puts on ur face is priceless ;) ;) ;)

    If ur just not cut out to go the whole custom route be it cash or experience watever it is then i recommend u go the kit path to save urself the headache .....

    There's too much war happening in this forum.

    Let's be constructive and informative.

    GEEEEZZZZZ danz that a bit of an over kill ..... WAR :blink: :blink: :blink: mate lighten up a bit and read between the lines u will notice that sleeper and I were taking happy pot shots at each other .... if we were really arguing do u think we would be so sarcastic 2 one another and use the emotional icons we have been using ? also i assure u the language used would have been far more artistic if we were arguing for real ..... so dont assume we are at WAR :P :P :P :P (yes i am taking a funny pot shot at u dont take it serious)

    but in all seriousness throughout the rubbish sleeper and i have posted we have clarified a lot of things which i think are constructive and factual ...... ok we did it in a light hearted manner but if u cant see through that then maybe u should not be on the net as u'll have an anurism (spelling) reading all the stuff on here especially if u take it seriously and straight to heart ....... its called mucking around.

    Mate if u have any questions to try and get constructive information from either of us then ask ..... as can be attested by many member i have provided such information once it has been request.

    No war here


    Man oh man..I would have to agree with ya there buddy :) some people are to serious in life hey..

    Im really enjoying having a bit light hearted humour with me aussie brothers :D

    It would be pretty dull if we had to reside like a soggy o'l text book...

  7. A similar result may be comparable; the celica owner from Brisbane who Rotrex-ed his Celica achieved 200hp wheels, translated to 140kw-150kw wheels.

    Thats very interesting, seeing how our stroked 2ZZ makes the same amount of power.

    Who says u need a blower :P

    Power output is only one part of the equation...what about the torque?? the most important part of a drivable engine! Where is your max torque achieved?? 6900rpm? 7200rpm??..

    With the blower my max torque 250Nm is achieved now @4313rpm instead of 180Nm@6998rpm..there is no comparison.. :D

    I agree with you totally... but to be honest I cant tell you the torque figure because really we dont give a f*ck... its just a number to us. and to be honest again, there's no chance that in increase in power would move the max torque to higher in the rev range, unless you have no idea how to tune a vehicle.

    The one thing i can tell u is that lift change point is unnoticeable.... apart from the change in noise that is.

    So i would say that it would be a very very good comparison between the two if we could get them together

    I wasnt implying it would change where max torque would be, I was just stating that it would be between 6900rpm and 7200rpm which is very peaky compaired to having it at 4313rpm which is a lot more usable midrange..

    Ive raced a 1000kg honda civic type-r with 139kW @ the whls around Pukekohe & there was no comparison! not even close!

    But yes I would love to get our two cars together for a showdown! It a shame about that silly bit of water between us!

  8. Even if the Blitz s/c doesn't achieved 200kw wheels I wouldn't mind buying it if I intend to forced induct my Celica, mainly because it helps power below lift.

    Most bolt on kit promises 30-40 percent power increase on top end power range anyway, way more than enough. Unless you are Kw junkies.

    A similar result may be comparable; the celica owner from Brisbane who Rotrex-ed his Celica achieved 200hp wheels, translated to 140kw-150kw wheels.

    But if you just care about kw in your Sportivo/Celica, you probably just want to go fast in a straight line. Which in my opinion, you bought the wrong car.

    I couldnt agree with you more!! There are to many people who think that kW figures are all that count!! Wake up and smell the cheese! having all the kW's in the world does not mean your going to have a fantastic fast car to drive around in! Balance is where its at..the balance of power and torque to match the chassis is the key to overall success!!

    If you want a quarter mile straight liner then go for it..why you would ever choose a late model corolla!!!! who knows.

    Personally i'll have my supercharged 2ZZ any day of the week!!

    ill take my turboed 2zz any day of the week !!!!! :P :P :P :P

    mate either bring urs to aus or ill come to nz for a s/c vs turbo 2zz battle ..... lol ..... since none of the aus boys r gonna dig deep n get the blitz :P :P :P :P :P

    Now we are talking!! Wouldnt that be a sh*tload of fun... Make a damn good video too!!

    Two things people forget about when talking about moding a 2ZZ is reliability for one and fuel economy... Believe me, the savings on huge gas bills and costly engine repairs, the Blitz kit is a bargin! Im getting on average..540kms to a tank!! and I boost it all day long!

    What would you expect out of a turbo 2ZZ?? 250-300kms at the most! Then you have the engine rebuild to fork out for when that 11.5:1 comp ratio sends a piston out the side of the block hahaha..

    20 laps around Pukekohe against my S/C..ha you wouldnt have a chance making it to the end of the race..

    Good luck tho..

  9. A similar result may be comparable; the celica owner from Brisbane who Rotrex-ed his Celica achieved 200hp wheels, translated to 140kw-150kw wheels.

    Thats very interesting, seeing how our stroked 2ZZ makes the same amount of power.

    Who says u need a blower :P

    Power output is only one part of the equation...what about the torque?? the most important part of a drivable engine! Where is your max torque achieved?? 6900rpm? 7200rpm??..

    With the blower my max torque 250Nm is achieved now @4313rpm instead of 180Nm@6998rpm..there is no comparison.. :D

  10. Even if the Blitz s/c doesn't achieved 200kw wheels I wouldn't mind buying it if I intend to forced induct my Celica, mainly because it helps power below lift.

    Most bolt on kit promises 30-40 percent power increase on top end power range anyway, way more than enough. Unless you are Kw junkies.

    A similar result may be comparable; the celica owner from Brisbane who Rotrex-ed his Celica achieved 200hp wheels, translated to 140kw-150kw wheels.

    But if you just care about kw in your Sportivo/Celica, you probably just want to go fast in a straight line. Which in my opinion, you bought the wrong car.

    I couldnt agree with you more!! There are to many people who think that kW figures are all that count!! Wake up and smell the cheese! having all the kW's in the world does not mean your going to have a fantastic fast car to drive around in! Balance is where its at..the balance of power and torque to match the chassis is the key to overall success!!

    If you want a quarter mile straight liner then go for it..why you would ever choose a late model corolla!!!! who knows.

    Personally i'll have my supercharged 2ZZ any day of the week!!

  11. Does it come with a pre programmed aftermarket computer or does it require a programmable ECU (i.e. power FC). If so what did tuning cost you?

    It comes with a control box, sort of like a piggyback computer..what it does is tap into the TPS and detects when to activate the blower, ie. 40% throttle the blower starts boosting. You have to modify the fuel pump to. The standard ECU detects more air volume and corrects the mixture automatically..more air, more fuel, hense the fuel pump mod.

    No tuning involved at all :)

  12. how is the quality of the oil sump that come with the kit. we had problems with the one that came from brash boy. the bottom of it had leaks and also the quality of the cast was so poor, the screw thread sorta distorted on it's 2nd oil change. according to brash boy, it's' happening to their cars, too...

    The quality of the sump was awesome..the cast was actually of a really high standard as were the manifolds. I dont see how it could leak or distort in any way?? its about 2cm thick and a very even surface.

  13. yea how much did it cost??? where u get them from???? how much boost are u running??? do you need to do refresh anything in your engine so it doesn't break???? is it worth it????

    Ive posted up the costs in one of the other replys for all to see, I got it through Blitz New Zealand, its boosting 7psi now, the standard boost the kit runs is 5psi. You dont need to do any mods to the internals of the engine if your running low boost levels. Typical Toyota..building a bullet proof motor ;)

    Is it worth it?? Hell YES! its worth every dollar..put it this way, since I have S/C my car, two of my friends are in the process of doing exactly the same.. if you dont do it you will regret it..

  14. It looks like you haad the battery moved to another location. Looks like you had to re-organise certain parts within the engine bay.

    By the way, how much did it cost you?

    I guess I wont be buying a new exhaust and TRD extractor if planning for the supercharger.

    Cos you might need a bigger exhaust and different extractors.

    Thats correct, the kit comes with a new batt plate so it can be turned sideways to create room for the air intake. Other items to be relocated are the water bottle, which is also supplied, original is cut off the back of the radiator, the alternator is moved from the top of the engine to the bottom, where its attached to the new larger alloy sump that blitz also supply in the kit. The best thing about this kit is the fact that you dont have to fabricate anything! It comes with all the extension harnesses for your alternator, AFM etc.. All brackets, cable ties, nuts and bolts, intercooler pipe joiners and hose clips..its pretty impressive!

    The complete kit cost me $7900.00NZ which is around $6658.00AU in todays prices..thats awesome for what you get!!

    Im actually going to make a basic step bye step video of the SC kit, the parts, where they go etc etc.. I'll post it up on my site as soon as its done.. :D Hope that answers you questions..

  15. Hey everyone..

    If anybody would like information on the Blitz Supercharger kit for the 2ZZGE, just ask..

    Install?, mods to existing parts?, what comes in the kit? the differences between the kits? what you can expect? etc etc...

    I should no..I installed one into my Corolla early last year..

    Im not sure where this $10k figure everyone keeps bringing up came from?? :unsure: but I can assure you..it doesnt cost anywhere near $10 grand!!

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