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Posts posted by Timeflight

  1. You are t being annoying it's not a clunking sound- it's similar to an electric door buzzer. - EEEERRRRRRR. I totally agree with u I ask the question why it has taken 2 years to make the noise when according to toyota it should have been from day 1 which I can assure it has not

  2. The buzzing noise is like an Electric Buzzer which only lasts for a couple of seconds... Toyota replaced the ABS Module with a new one where I was expecting no noise but right on queue at 20K's the buzz returned.. I am still sceptical that it is the ABS self test despite a new module being put in I was expecting not to hear anything... which tells me its something else but what is the question.

  3. I have a 2013 Aurion ZR6 which I bought brand new. I have had the car for 2 1/2 years with no issues or noise coming from it. From Easter 2015 the car started to make this buzzing sound after start up when it reached 20k's an hour. I have taken it to the dealership they have had advised it is the ABS Self Test and it is normal. I previously had a 2006 Toyota Camry, never made the noise in the 5 years of having the car. I have driven the dealerships loan cars, it does not make the noise at this speed (not at all).

    I was advised that the Hybrids are well known to make the ABS Self Test noise at start up, Got to drive a Demo Hybrid Camry, guess what no noise was made. The Service Manager from the dealership could not believe it when the hybrid did not make the noise. He advised that the car has been sitting there all day without being moved.

    The issue that I have is that there has been no noise for 2 1/2 years and it has started all of a sudden since easter 2015. The dealership changed the break fluid in case there was air in the brake lines, it went for a whole day without making a noise then the following morning the noise returned. Any Ideas?

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