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Posts posted by Eltivo89

  1. Do nothing wrong and no harm will come to you :)

    if only that were the case...

    it IS the case... they may pull you over, sure, but after that, no harm, no foul.

    I've been 'random breath tested' 3 times in the last month once in Stivo and twice in the MR2 both time the had a quick look over the car got me to count to 10, checked by license and I was on my way...

    I actually like that they are doing their job and keeping dopey feckers off the street.

    yes u got a point. But i am a p-plater with a Bloody festiva and nearly everytime i go out, i am pulled up by a copper. On every occasion i am breath tested. Since i have gotten my p's i have been pulled over more that 15 times. On 2 separate occasions, ive been told to get out of the car and have been searched to the extent that the rear seat has been taken out to be searched underneath and then given no reason for such actions.

    Now imagine if i had bought a slightly modified car. :angry:

  2. Hi all,

    i was about to purchase my brothers '05 model sportivo (no enginemods just a sound system, wheels, and new springs) for $30,000. But when i was filling my mums car with petrol i saw a 2003 model type r integra leave . He gunned it and by the sound of it, it's VTEC (lift) seem to be much louder and he seemed to hit the 6000rpm range a bit quicker than the Sportivo. Now i'm not sure whether to purchase his car or a Type R. Another reason i cant decide is that i am unable to find a Honda club since i like to go cruising.


    I Have about 30 Grand to play with as i have just recently landed myself a satisfying job. I was just wondering since i'm a p-plater and am going to have this car for a long time to come, i just wanted to know, which would you guys think is a better choice, or even better, if you think there is a much more suitable car for my license type and price range please tell.


  3. nah,i think the stivo's would put civics on show,

    i was with my bro, hes got an '05 model stivo and one night we came across a '99 model Type R integra at liverpool maccas. we were at the light and took off, it kept up for 1st and 2nd gear, but once we hit 3rd and 4th we were gone. :toast:

    :spiteful: i think the stivos would have no problems munchin civics. :spiteful:

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