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Posts posted by HoudiniHiace

  1. Hey guys, I have a 1996 Hiace with 230k on the clock. I have had this van for 5 years now and have had this problem since I got it, have taken to several mechanics and no one has been able to help. Hoping someone here has had the same problem and could offer some help!

    Living in Melbourne this issue doesn't happen that often but on a warm day, say 28 degrees plus, I hit the highway and the van will start coughing and spluttering, it feels like it's choking, loses all power and shakes the whole car, this will happen for a few minutes then will come good again. Usually this will happen every 15 minutes or so. Temp gauge is at normal but for some reason this only happens on hot days. If anyone can offer me any advice and solve this problem I will buy you a bloody beer!

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