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Posts posted by GrantKluger

  1. Hi All,

    Anyone have any preknowledge of this problem,

    Was driving up the M1 the other day and going up a hill in my 2010 kluger AWD and as it was about to change to a lower gear to get up the hill it had a hissy fit, couldnt decide what gear to take and stayed in the top most gear, basically it felt like I was trying to go up a hill in neutral, pulled off to side of road, stopped engine and restarted , went to accelerate into traffic and couldn't even get it past 40km/h, pulled into an emergency telephone and requested a tow. Car had no pre warning, no dash lights and engine was running fine, in fact I left the car idling for the 3 1/2 hrs it took to get us picked up. Any ideas? besides an expensive issue???? Thanks

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