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Posts posted by Larrco

  1. And I have my Fortuner as well, just done over 1,000 kms and so far quite happy.  It's a bit noisy on start up considering it's kept in a garage where it should be warmer and the brakes appear to grab until everything gets warmed up.  The only thing that niggles me is that I have no control over the lights. I have no problem with the daytime LED's it is just that the lights turn on automatically when it's still daylight at 4.30 p.m. in the afternoon or when I drive in shaded areas during the day, I imagine other drivers wonder what the heck is going on when all of a sudden the car behind them suddenly turns on the lights, in some instances I worry this may cause me road rage if that person in front thinks I am flashing them for some reason.  The car goes for it's complimentary service next weekend, I'll enquire if the sensors can be adjusted.  

  2. Apologies to Australian workers.  My brother in law's brother's (from a third marriage) second cousin said his best mate thought they were made in Australia, I couldn't argue with such sound advise.  Now I'll have to assume there was too much lactic acid in the Sashimi that disagreed with that industrious Japanese assembly worker that caused a momentary lapse in concentration whilst he attended to a Mt Fuji moment that caused the issue with my car, very fishy maybe!

  3. I am hoping to pick up my Crusade later this week.  It will be a bit different from the Corolla but I have had 4WDS before.  It took me a while to come to terms with the design especially the raised back wheel arch, I still don't really like this but compromises have to be made. I did consider a Pajero Sport until I was advised the GPS only works when connected to a smartphone, fat lot of good that would be when there is no phone signal. Also I looked at a Santa Fe Highlander as promoted by John Cadogan (Auto Expert) until I saw a You Tube clip, the damned thing just couldn't make it up a wet grassy track, a bit weak for a SUV. However,  I will really miss not having a sun roof and my only option would have been to go with a Kakadu but besides the price I think the Prado really needs a major update.  I am hoping more people see the benefits of the Fortuner as I have seen very few on the road. 

  4. HELP PLEASE my car has blown it's mind.  One of the features of my MY11 Corolla Levin ZR is keyless entry but recently the system has gone mad.  Sometimes it works properly, sometimes the doors don't lock then when they do and I attempt to gain entry by using the touch pad inside the outside door handle the indicators flash and bleep continuously.  On other occasions it locks me out of the car and I have to use the passenger door control to activate the system which is quite annoying, especially when it is raining.  I recently had the passenger door mechanism changed at an astronomical cost of $450.00 + labour.  However, whilst the passenger door now works O.K. I don't think this is the cause to the problem.  The whole system is erratic, it never operates the same sequence twice.  Whilst this is a recent occurrence I have always suspected the car had too many electrical features as every so often one of them has a glitch. Has anyone else experienced this?

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