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Tom Gladwin

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Posts posted by Tom Gladwin

  1. Hey there,

    I've got an oil leak that is dripping down onto the exhaust pipe at the flex joint, causing some rather unpleasant smells! I'm pretty sure that the leak is only really slow as the oil is maintaining it's level. The coolant is also somehow leaking and it was almost empty the other day, not sure if it's a related issue or not. I've not got a clue about cars but unfortunately not in the financial situation to be able to visit a mechanic. If the leak is from an engine or transmission gasket is it worth a try with those oil additives that apparently can stop the leaks? Or as the oil leak is only really slow is there something i can fit ontop of the exhaust to prevent the oil dripping onto it? Hoping some of you legends can help me out. Here is the novice video i sent to my dad on the issue, apologies for the nieveness!!!


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