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Posts posted by TRDgirl

  1. Mad Max style. Not flashy, phat looking, and most of all...very menacing even for a small car.


    Thanks mate :) Alot of time and effort has gone into this little beast. He has had it since he was 16 years old (is now 24) It's his pride and joy! lol

  2. Yes mate we race fully sick stylez in every car park, any opportunity we get.

    Last night I pulled up against a shopping trolly, it was giving me a look see, and even though it had weight reduction and was completely empty with no bags in it at all I still beat it. :toast: Fully sick!

    LMAO :clap::lol:

  3. After a night of drinking, Brian crept into bed beside his wife who was already asleep. He gave her a peck on the cheek and fell asleep.

    When he awoke he found a strange man standing at the end of his bed wearing a long flowing white robe.

    "Who the hell are you?", demanded Brian, "and what are you doing in my bedroom?"

    The mysterious man answered, "This isn't your bedroom, and I'm St Peter".

    Brian was stunned. "You mean I'm dead? That can't be, I have so much to live for, I haven't said goodbye to my family.... you've got to send me back straight away."

    St Peter replied, "Yes, you can be reincarnated, but there is a catch. We can only send you back as a dog or a hen."

    Brian was devastated, but knowing there was a farm not far from his house, he asked to be sent back as a hen. A flash of light later, he was covered in feathers and clucking around pecking the ground. "This ain't so bad," he thought until he felt this strange feeling welling up inside him.

    The farmyard rooster strolled over and said, "So you're the new hen. How are you enjoying your first day here?

    " It's not so bad," replied Brian, "but I have this strange feeling Inside like I'm about to explode."

    "You're ovulating," explained the rooster, "don't tell me you've Never laid an egg before."

    "Never," replied Brian.

    "Well, just relax and let it happen."

    And so he did, and after a few uncomfortable seconds later, an egg popped out from under his tail. An immense feeling of relief swept over him and his emotions got the Better of him as he experienced motherhood for the first time.

    When he laid his second egg, the feeling of happiness was Overwhelming and he knew that being reincarnated as a hen was the best thing that had happened to him... ever!!!

    The joy kept coming, and as he was just about to lay his third egg, he felt an enormous smack on the back of his head and heard his wife shouting,

    "Brian! Wake up, you drunk *****, you're sh*tting the bed."

  4. Soooooooooooooooooooo cant wait for the TRD Corolla spec version to come out.

    I wanna be on the waiting list regardless :P

    You might be waiting for a while... Toyota aren't even thinking about the TRD model yet as far as I know.

    Edit :actually I have just been informed that they are in 'development' and Toyota are having problems sourcing a motor for them. Toyota also want to finish releasing the TRD Aurion and the TRD Hilux before they start the Corolla :)

  5. Hello again!

    Thought I would post up some pics of my brothers little KE20 Corolla to explain my avatar pic! The last run down the drag strip she did a 12.43 sec quater mile :)



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