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Posts posted by Morgy

  1. Thanks for your reply. Year model does not really matter. More info; - To and from work is 56km one way, give or take a K or 3, and it is mostly highway driving - ie 100km zones except for 3 country towns where the speed drops down to 60kms/hr.

    Not that keen on an dual cab, as it will be just me in the Hilux most of the time, with maybe one other from time to time, as it is only my wife and myself nowadays, and our 3 dogs.

    Aesthetically, I do like the look of the single cabs, but they have bugger all storage in the cabins, and the extra cabs have always appealed to me, since the 80's.


    Thanks all in advance.


  2. I want to buy a second hand Hilux, and have only a small budget - $10K total at the moment. I am not sure whether to get a petrol model, or a diesel. What I do know is the following: - I would like to use it as a daily driver - 110 kms a day to and from work, have an extra cab for when I go shooting at the rifle range, and 4 wheel drive to be able to  hit the dirt roads around the area to pick up fire wood to store up every winter. Where can I go, to educate myself on the whys, wheres and anything else about Toyota Hiluxs?


    Thanks in advance


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