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Posts posted by DeLux

  1. So, I have a dual cab 09 Hilux which has recieved a rear ending which has left it needing to be replaced. I can't seem to find any appropriate transplants in my area that suit the model year of my lux however there are quite a few 2014-17 tubs which I have encountered. Just wondering if they would actually be able to be used as a replacement, or if there is too much of a difference between the mk for it to fit? Whilst I'm here, may as well ask, is it difficult to change them over? I've had a little bit of a gander and from what I can see it just seems to be a couple of bolts and the electrics, just wondering if thats it or if there are other less visible things I'd have to do to get it off and reatach as well? 

    Cheers guys :) 

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