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Posts posted by Domanic

  1. Hey squalled the oil light as normal will turn on when the car is started then it goes away. The light turns on just randomly after driving for 20mins it will turn on then off after a few seconds later. Recently being stationary for a while at a set off lights it comes then goes never stays on long. Iv got no leaks and the oil is a tad bit over full witch shouldn't be a bad thing right?. My concern is that I did a flush and service recently might be my pick up might be clogged or Iv used a little bit to thin oil. The cars got 225k on the clock

  2. Hey campbeam I did the oil service with a flush last week there are no leaks what's so ever I might have putten in a little bit over the full line I will drop the sump and clean the oil pump pick up screen thanks for your reply I'll reply back with my verdict cheers 

  3. Hey all I wrote a few weeks ago about my lift issue I did fix it the lift screen filter was dirty cleaned it up and lift is back but unfortunately I have another problem witch I hope I can get some help with the yellow / orange oil light pops up for 10seconds and goes away it started only a few days ago and it comes and goes if anyone knows anything about this could you please leave me a comment or help me out would be much appreciated 

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