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Posts posted by TrevTheSpartan

  1. Gday all,

    I am presently up to my 2nd st184, and have previously owned an ra40 and an na aw11. My present st184 is an 89 model coupe, which i will upload photos of when i have some handy. I bought it quite cheap with a blown head gasket, and recently spotted a manual 1mz Camry which was also quite cheap. As a result I am undertaking a v6 celica swap, which i recognize is unusual, but i believe it will be an interesting, if not worthwhile project. If anyone has any information on the wiring for such a swap, please let me know, it will be much appreciated, I would imagine that it is quite similar to a 1mz mr2 swap.

    I look forward to being part of the forum, and contributing where i can,

    Thanks for your time.

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