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    Camry 2002
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  1. Done and done. Thanks Tony, It was a piece o' pss. ☺️
  2. Yes, that's the one, Tony. So that's all there is to it?
  3. Hi. I found a huge hole in the top of the coolant reservoir of my 2002 3L V6 Camry. Don't know how it got there but it almost looks like it's been melted through by something...🙍‍♂️ Anyway, I got a new one and looked up Youtubes to get a step-by-step tute on replacing it. But every video I found was for every model except the 2002. I know they're all similar but I need the exact one, or I'll probably mess it up. Does anyone have a link to a tute for this particular job? Thanks in advance.
  4. Don't know if the car is going to last long enough to travel that many Ks, Ashley. But I'll get good ones, anyway. :)
  5. Good advice, mate. Will do. Thanks again.
  6. Yeah, I'm not that confident. Used to work on my car/s when I was younger, but it's too much like hard work now. Thanks for the links, Tony.
  7. Nope, not that one. Not to worry. Got me hand in me pocket already anyway...
  8. It's a V6, Tony. I asked the kid at Bridgestone, who said it'd cost about $400. So that's probably right then. Might buy a horse! ☹️
  9. I'm told I should get the rocker cover gasket replaced on my 2002 Camry. I haven't asked for a quote, but I've googled this and it seems it costs around $200 to change the gasket. Could that possibly be right?! If so, is it a job a non-professional can do? Thanks, guys.
  10. Thanks, Tony, that's very helpful. I will post back when the get the wheels off and see what's what. Cheers, Reg.
  11. Thanks, Tony, that's very interesting. In those links, I note that the rear kit is cheaper than the front. Whereas he's quoted me ~ $50 more for the rears. When I suggested that some of the rotors might need machining, he said, "We'll probably get IBS", so I assume he meant they wouldn't bother with machining, and instead just get new rotors. At the prices quoted at those links, it probably would be cheaper just to get new ones.. I think I need to go have another chat with them and sort it out. Also I'll ask about the fluid flushing. Thanks a lot for the tips. Tony. Much appreciated. ☺️
  12. The 2002 Camry has been making scraping noises for a while, and there's red dust on one wheel rim. So I'm assuming I have a serious brake problem. I took it to a local place, (won't name them yet), and I told them to check all four wheels and look at the condition of the brakes. I expect they'll all need new pads; haven't been done in years. Used to change them myself, but frankly it's just too much hard work for me now. I said that If it turned out to be necessary, they could machine the rotors when they replace the pads. Guy said something about getting IBS rotors. Then he quoted $339 for the front, and $384 for the rear. From what I've read elsewhere, this seems like a very high quote. Anybody have an opinion on this? Advice will be much appreciated. Car is due to be done next week. Thanks.
  13. Thanks, Ashley. That's what I was afraid of. ☹️ Ah, well. Cheers.
  14. G'day. Long story short, I need to replace the exterior driver's side mirror on the 2002 Camry. Bought the part from SuperCheap, googled some vids, and set to work very confidently. Got the old mirror off alright, but then I saw that the little cable from the mirror runs down inside the door. I had expected there'd be a plug coming up from somewhere close in the door, to plug into the mirror. But there's not. So, who knows? Do I have to take the inside door panel completely off? Or what? Any tips much appreciated. Thanks.
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