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Posts posted by sneerysoup

  1. hey guys i have an interesting problem and i was hoping someone would be able to help me diagnose my problem i have done a cab swap on my 2004 toyota hilux it has a 5L-E engine i have swapped the existing wiring harness with the orginal one that was with it all electricals work in the car and operates individually without a problem but if i try using them together it stalls my engine for example if i use my ac fan and i use an indicator or the hazard lights or even normal headlights it stalls out my engine same thing happens if i have my headlights on and i try and use my indicators i was hoping someone would be able to point me in the right direction and give me advice on how i could find the problem or even fix it thankyou
  2. hey guys i have an interesting problem and i was hoping someone would be able to help me diagnose my problem i have done a cab swap on my 2004 toyota hilux it has a 5L-E engine i have swapped the existing wiring harness with the orginal one that was with it all electricals work in the car and operates individually without a problem but if i try using them together it stalls my engine for example if i use my ac fan and i use an indicator or the hazard lights or even normal headlights it stalls out my engine same thing happens if i have my headlights on and i try and use my indicators i was hoping someone would be able to point me in the right direction and give me advice on how i could find the problem or even fix it thankyou

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