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Posts posted by ^CarBoy^

  1. Hey guys... Thanks for coming to the November Meet.

    I know there are some people in JDMST.COM that is complaining about it... they just got overwhelmed by the massive attendance.

    In in behalf of Night-Shift and Jeri Lee, NIkita Esco and Sunisa Kim we all loved it. The girls loved it... They are very impressed by our modified car scene.

    There will be more meets like this next year.... I got a few more import models coming... if you got a suggestion on who to bring in just let me know... You guys got a favourite I can bring them in. Thanks again for the support and Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

    I read that...

    What a bunch of knobs...

    It wasn't just a meetup for them, Nightshift advertised it on every forum there is and as if they didn't know other cars would turn up...

    They got 500+ cars to a weeknight meet up, they should be cheering about that many cars showing up, not crying...

    I signed up to say hi. LOL. it's not all of them are are whining. I sort of know a couple of the guys on there so they're not all that bad =)

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