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mr au

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Posts posted by mr au

  1. Im sure iv seen this question answered before but cant seem to find it again but would a standard aurion 17" rim with wheel fit straight on a ZRE corolla. All i know is that the rims is 17" and tyre is 215/55 R17 if that helps but im just worried if the brake pad would rub against the rim. im sorry if its a repeat but if someone could help or send me a link for the thread that could help me il be much appreciated. thanks guys

  2. im guessing it would if you either rub to hard or wipe it alot of times. So far iv wiped it off atleast 4 times due to the spray leaking when i was spraying and the lights still looked fine but yeh at the end if its wiped occasionally it would cause the light to fade a lil.

  3. Thanks for the replies guys, i wouldve thought il get people criticizing me for what i did haha but yeh for future mods it wont be anything dramatic just wheels and maybe exhaust and i really want those aftermarket rear taillights that iv seen around the forums that look like cyclop eyes lol. But just gotta see how things go.

  4. the front lights are sprayed on the inside of the protective light cover and night shades are like a spray tint just like spray cans. Suprisigly the front and rear lights are very noticeable at night and since theres a 3rd brake light where the spoiler is and its noticeable that you are braking. For mods it would have to be new rims but still havnt got enough cash at the moment so thats a later job haha.

  5. Well iv joined this forum for about a year and havnt really been on much on this site but as holidays progresses iv been on more lately haha. Im 19years old and live in Melbourne and im a proud owner of a graphite levin zr and got it 1 week after i got my P's, though i always wanted a Pulsar SSS lol. So far it hasnt really let me down atall n performance is quite good more than what i expected it to be. Well about 4 weeks ago friend sprayed his rear taillights with night shades and had some left to spare. And as there wasnt any aftermarket tailelights out in australia that iv seen thought il giv it a try to make it look different. Some may not like it but i rekon it looks alrite and yes some of my friends said it made it look like a rice box haha but at the end i could always use metholated spirit to rub it all off with no dramas. oh well hopefully the pictures would load up and yeh hope to contribute more to this site as this forum seems to be a helpful site for corolla owners.



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