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Posts posted by Volvo

  1. What ive observed with my Presara so far is as follows:)..If i fill the tank up and do short drives / start n stops the fuel average is :angry: anywhere up to 14.5 or so ltrs per the hundred..

    Other weekend i filled up and drove straight down to Brisvages and got down to 7.3 ltrs/100..

    On the drive back it mostly sat on 7.7 to 7.8 /100 fpr highway driving i thought that was prety good but around town depending on your stop starts!!??..

    personlly i dont think that premium to unleaded makes all that much difference worth worrying about..


  2. :whistling: Yeah i know, about ta get the "Tag this thread cause its been posted before ":angry: ...But before that happens just spent a wee bit of time searching and afraid the search engine does not help or bring much up so could the good samaritans of the site please advise me of the recomended tyre pressure for these vehicles..

    have read the owners manual as well as the tyre specs themselves but seems to be a bit of debate regarding proper tyre pressure for these vehicles!!??..

    Have been running mine at 32psi but have been told should run fronts at 40 qnd rear at 35whilst others have stated they are running theirs at 40 all round!!!..Which seems a tad high to what i'm used to far as sedans go??..

    Cheers n Kind Regards..

  3. Took a run up to Rocky n back today..Started the trip for the first maybe ten vlicks at 13.5/100 then most the way up dropped back to 9.1/9.2/100 and on the return leg it was between 8.2/100 and as far down as 8.0/100.. :whistling: ..


  4. Here's one for all subscribing to Toyota link..Can the Toyota link search find your car if garaged or under cover??...

    I know the other feature of breakdown and assist feature is tops but i thought it could lead the Police to your vehicle if stolen???....

    And if stolen one would think the first place the hijackers would get would be under cover!! :unsure: ...

    Just tried to find mine on this search and message came back it couldnt communicate with vehicle for coupla reasons which i found :o ...


  5. After wee drive yesterday am now averaging 13/100, so yes its comming down :toast: ...Mindya just had me noggin shaken a tad as i had a mate come and visit for the weekend and he owns a V8 Club Sports Dunnydoor and hes getting 9.3/100 and 800 odd clicks to a tank of fuel so somebodytell me that aint good fuel economy??...


  6. Mmmmmm.....thanks for the reply guys. Does sound a bit risky.

    I really wish Toyota Australia wasn't so gready by charging an arm and a leg for their unit. Not really sure what I'm going to do?

    These aftermarket ones might be the next best thing, what do you guys reckon?


    http://members.optusnet.com.au/auspacks/productPage9.html - This unit costs $899.

    Do yourself a favour and go buy a Garmin Nuvi or simmilar quallity!!..At least they wont charge for upgrades, wont cost an arm and a leg, detail is heaps better and more user friendly!!..My two bobs worth:)..

    One more thing:), can use it from one car to another being portable..

  7. Okay :), i'll tag along also if yez dont mind lol..Ive had my Arion Presara for two whole days almost and managed to write up a whole 160k's on the clock :blink: !!.. Between driving it and sitting in the garage with the motor running trying to sus out how to imput info etc with the satnav system my fuel averagestarted off at 23/100 and is now down to16.5/100 :yahoo: ..

    Keep going at this rate and may end up not using any fuel lol...

    On a more sendsible note :) i thought a new vehicle would take somewhere's around the 5,000 k's for everything to settle down and start getting a more settled fuel average??NO??....

    Anyhow i also will be wating with baited breath to see where it finally settles out to..

    Mymain query is how happy everyone is overall with their Presara???....

    PS can honestly tell you that the Toyota link does work...Sitting in the car in ye ole garage again playing with the satnav only this time the motor wasnt running when my mobile phone rings and a cheerfull voice kindfully informed me my car battery was flat!! :idea: ..

    Kindly reminder i may need to take my new toy for a bit of a run ey..


  8. Hokeydokes here's a query??, if one hasnt yet purchased or icke dup their new presara and he knows the disk in the nav system is a version 13 canhe demand a version 14???...

    Or is it a case of you get what comes with the vehicle..

    Secondly i would have thought it unsafe to sell a product which has raods missing in its software??..


  9. :unsure: Shyte!!!! n i did order both with my Presara!! wander if it aint too late to cancel em if ive allready signed the dotted lines but havent taken ownership of the vehicle yet???..

    Okay if i have to??, next question is whats the best method n products to use to keep both in a good state come cleaning time or is it best to just put the vehicle in and get it detailed???.

    Offcourse letting them know of both the paint and upholstry protection...


  10. Newbie here and first post:)..Would like to know opinions on having the pauint and upholstry protection added to the purchase of new vehicle (Presara)..

    Not being cloth but leather upholstry wise , does it still have a great advantage and does it really protect the leater so much??...

    I do know that with leather one must apply leather softener/cleaner/protector every now n then & willthis still apply??..


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