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Posts posted by Kurosaki

  1. Hi Andrew, Congrats with the TRD Supercharger setup.

    I was following this thread awhile back as I was also interested in this Setup as well (I also drive a MCV36R V6 Manual).

    Just wondering in detail how hard it actually was to have the Supercharger fitted. Going through your post It says you had to move the Brake Fluid reservoir? Was it a real pain to actually have to move it?

    I've been really interested in this for a long time but I was waiting for someone to jump in first and try it out on the Gen5 so I could grab some pointers :)

    Also with the windscreen overhang, how much body work did you do to make sure the actuator didn't hit the body?

    All up how much did the whole Supercharging process end up setting you back?

    Would be interested to find out.

    Sorry to ask what you might think to be stupid questions. I'm on the West Coast so nobody here likes to play around with Camrys :(


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