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Posts posted by Iwantone

  1. Just saw this topic and had to comment. I have a 2007 KX-R AWD that has just hit 30,000km. Earlier in the year I too noticed a noise coming from the rear diff which seemed to be worse at 60 and 80 km/h. I also thought that maybe it was just a normal sound but it seemed to get worse. DH and I decided to get it looked at so took the car to our dealer. By this stage the car was out of Toyota warranty but still covered by our bonus 1 year dealer warranty.

    The dealer also noticed the sound, contacted Toyota and ordered the part which needed to be replaced. This took 2 days but unfortunately did not fix the problem. More parts were ordered from O/S and again my car was in for another 2 days. The second repairs fixed the problem. I didn't encounter any resistance from the dealer and he actually mentioned that this was the 2nd Kluger they had in with this issue but the previous one was fixed with the first repair and did not require the additional part. I unfortnately have no idea what "parts" they replaced but got the impression that Toyota knew exaclty what the issue was and it wasn't a one off. I was also given a loan car free of charge for the duration of the repairs and was told that was standard with all warranty repairs (not sure if that is because I was under the dealer warranty not the Toyota warranty?)

    On the downside I did notice extra noise whilst driving today but that is after 2 weeks in a hire car (Commodore) which was much quieter that the Kluger on the road so maybe I just need to get use to driving an AWD again.

    Hope all your problems are now sorted. I can't believe Toyota treated you they way they did re loan/hire car. My car now has a "clunk" at times when accelerating, especially if I am slowing down but accelerate again before coming to a complete stop. My car is nearly 4.5 years old but having only done 33,000km I don't expect clunks! No warranty to save me now so not looking forward to this repair.

  2. I have a 2007 build Kluger and to date have not received any letter. Hubby checked our car and yes we do have the pipe with the rubber insert. I will contact the dealer and follow this up.

    Good luck guys, keep on fighting.

  3. I have had my KX-R AWD for 18 months. I upgraded from a Commodore wagon to this car and it was the best move I ever made. Initially the 2WD model was "just" within our price range but then we were lucky enough to find an AWD demo for sale. We ended up paying $40,000 on the road (with 7 seats). I am happy that we managed to get an AWD and I have total confidence in the car in wet weather (my commodore was horrible in these conditions bordering on dangerous) For us we felt AWD would be a little safer on the road in the wet and any increase in fuel consumption would be worth it. Maybe speak to a few 2WD owners about wheel spin. I have never had an issue with this in my car ( or maybe I am not trying hard enough :P).

    We were pretty tough on the dealer with regards to the condition of the car on delivery, even though it was a demo . There was a spot on the rear quarter where the paint was damaged from an egging incident in the lot and we managed to get them to respray that panel.

    Good luck and happy car shopping.

  4. I have recently been reading that the KX-R is equiped with 6 speakers but I only seem to have 4 (or 4 that are working) , all in the front.

    Does anyone else with a KX-R have speakers in the rear doors?. This is one thing that has bugged my about the car since I got it and now I am wondering if the speakers are there but just not working?

    I have adjusted the fader on the Stereo and when I turn it to R7 there is no sound at all (from what I understand R7 means all the sound is transfered to the rear?).

    Just wanting to check before I take it to Toyota and make a d*** of myself by trying to get speakers repaired that may not be there in the first place.


  5. I agree that AWD is great especially in the wet. My old Commodore was terrible, the slightest bit of water on the road and taking off was a nightmare. I have never once had any trouble in the Kluger.

    I guess you just get use to it but I am much happier knowing I can take off on a wet road without any trouble, especially as the car is FWD .

    My sister has a VZ wagon and her economy if not that much better than mine around town and is the same on long trips.

    I actually prefer the 17" wheels to the 19" on the Altitude but the DVD player would be nice :-P

  6. Welcome....

    I have a KX-R AWD. Most of my trips are 5-10 minutes of stop start traffic. My fuel economy sits around 13-14 ltrs. As soon as I get a good run (ie 10km of 80km/h) this drops to around 12ltr per 100km. Yesterday I did a trip to the city via the freeway (40km each way) and it dropped again to 10.2lt per 100km. On a long trip on open roads we sit around 9-10ltr. My husband gets better economy that I do as he uses the sports shift whereas I tend to put the car in drive and go. Not sure what the Mazda does but I feel the Kluger is pretty good for the size/type of car it is.

    The Altitude looks great. I too upgraded from a Commodore wagon (1994) and as nice as the new sportswagons look, I have no regrets changing to a Kluger.

    There are a couple of older posts on economy here so have a look around for more info.

    Good luck

  7. RainX should have won some sort invention award IMHO. They work like dream. I have some mixed with my washer bottle.

    I've bought the cleaner/treatment combo. Can't say that the water runs off like the photo shows on the back of the bottle. It has resulted in less streaking in noise, however as the ends of the biggest blade is lifting off it's still streaking unfortunately. Also have the interior anti-fog stuff which works well too. Used a single pad to clean all of the interior windows. I see RainX also have replacement wiper arms, are these available in Australia?

    Rainx works like a dream, Have used it on our older car which has vacum wipers which are so slow (and small) they may as well not be there. No problem here with the wipers on the Kluger, worked great though the memory may be fading, no rain here in over 2 months so been a while since I saw them in action.

  8. I'm thinking of buying a 7 seat Kluger for a family of 5 (3 children under 10). However, I'm not sure if the 2nd row has enough room for 2 child restraint seats plus a third child. I'm thinking of placing one of the child restraint seats in the middle to cover the not so smart middle seat.

    I'm hoping to hear from anyone with similar experience. Thanks.

    We have 3 children all in child restraints. I am sure it would be fine. Depends on the width of your existing seats. We purchased narrow boosters which fit easily.

    Best thing to do is head to your local dealer and try YOUR seats in a car. You will easily see if they work or not. After weeks of measuring seats it was much easier to do it this way!. Dealer was more than happy to oblige.

    Good Luck

  9. I had the same problem in the start. It was taking ages to fill the car and very frustrating :angry: . I dont have trouble any more, I guess I have worked out the correct angle to hold the nozzle (which is only half way in and tilted to the right FYI). I usually visit the same servo every week so this may help.

    Good Luck!

  10. Thats it, 17.5L current economy, normally 15L, therefore, no worth the couple of extra cents savings!

    My last lot of fuel (reg unleaded) came from my normal servo which has just added E10. My usual economy is 13lt approx, cant get this run down below 15lt - 16lt . Was wondering if they sold me E10 instead of regular unleaded or If I am just having a bad run?. Will see how the next tank goes.

    Thanks for the info, wont bother trying E10....... or maybe I already have ;)

  11. Anyone tried it? I;ve just got a FULL tank of it to check it out as our large shell station has removed all shell premium 95 with E10!

    Will be interested to see how it goes. Hubby refuses to use it , his cars and dirt bikes hate the stuff!, run really rough though I have friends who swear by it and say they get even better economy than reg. unleaded. Noticed the changes at Shell.

    Keep us updated.

  12. Sorry I cant really help.

    We had a cargo barrier in our old car and it was a pain to remove. Had to undo 4 large bolts, though this was not in a Kluger so not sure how they are designed. I would be tempted to take it out all together if you dont really need it.

  13. Has anyone noticed how many new Klugers are on the road now days?. I live in Berwick (SE Melbourne) and on a recent outing (10km round trip) I passed 6 on the road.

    Even on a drive to the local shop only 2km away I saw 2 and then yesterday there were 3 in a carpark of about 100 cars.

    Is this the trend everywhere or do I just live in Kluger Central?

  14. We have 3 child restraints and as yet have never used the 3rd row seating. Can imagine it would be hard to get to over the seat.

    All 7 seat SUV/4WD would have the same set up so child restraints are always going to be a problem in regards to access though I think the Kluger is the only one that gives the option to remove the centre seat making it a better option for you than most.

    Guess it depends on how often you plan to use the 3rd row. The only other choice is a people mover which is designed to have all 7/8 seats used on a daily basis.

    Good Luck

  15. hi all,

    I was quoted $39000 for a KX-R 5 seats 2WD in Sydney, is it a good price? or is there any more gap to go?


    We are in Melbourne and we got down to $39,000 for a KX-R 2WD 7 seater. Ended up getting a KX-R AWD 7 Seater ex demo for $40,000 drive away so you might be able to get the price down a little or push for some extras

    Good Luck

  16. PS: dont do the rotation until you align, it would then ruin your rears as well!

    Yeah, wont touch them till I speak to Toyota. The wear is only minor and a little worse on the RHS than the LHS.

    Hubby said if the dealer wont come to the party he has his regular place who he knows do a great job. Has taken all his cars there including those that are not "standard". If Toyota wont do it for free I am not going there (sshhhhh dont tell them or I might risk my dealer warranty).

    Bugger about your tyre.

  17. Hubby just told me my front tyres are wearing unevenly, feathering on the outside grrrr. I thought "those guys on the forum will help" and i found this thread.

    He said he will rotate my tyres this weekend but might make him wait until I contact the dealer and speak to them about it. My car has only done 7000km so not happy Jan.

    For the record, my car has always pulled slightly to the left. Hope an alignment doesnt make it worse.

    Wish me luck.

  18. When I use up to 16lt per 100km (and thats not very often) its on a week when I dont venture more than 5km from home. All my driving for the week is short runs and as I live in a built up area of Melbourne its just traffic light after traffic light. Usually the car has not even warmed up and I am at my destination.

    On recent trips of 80km or more I used 10.5lt and 9lt which is fantastic. Even if the screen is showing usage of 16lt just one round trip of 20km, where the car gets a chance to warm up and actually reach 80km/h, the consumption will drop to 12-13 very quickly.

    Driving conditions play a huge part in fuel consumption and its hard to compare this when one driver may do 500km a week, a mixture of freeway and heavy traffic and then I may do 100km of short stop start runs.

    I think we will all agree that for a car of its size, the fuel consumption is pretty amazing.

    For the record out best run was 2.3lt when driving 17km from the top of Mt Donna Buang to the bottom :yahoo: If only all driving was down hill like that

  19. And as most would know, when you offer advice you get your head shot off! She never drives when I'm in the car unless I'm, er, not capable. :rolleyes:

    In my experience this is when you guys seem to offer the most advice <_< haha

    Hubby always tells me I dont look far enough ahead when I drive. I am trying to improve on this and yes that little screen has changed my driving style dramatically. I will beat him one day (with fuel economy that is , not physically !)

  20. Toyota certainly put all their effort into the outer two seats which are great, the middle rear is certainly not brilliant, but it generally never is in vehicles. We have 3 kids seats accross the middle seat (baby, toddler and booster) and it can be a little difficult in securing the middile seat belt as it tends to be under the kids seat which is wider than the middle pew, particualrly when our kids wont sit still!!!. But we manage and the massive list of positives on the Kluger outweighs this small issue.

    Cheers, Mark

    Same here, 3 kids seats and yes it that middle seat was the one sticking point for us (we NEARLY went Territory over this issue). I have sat in the seat briefly and it was alot better than I thought it would be but would not recommend it for long trips. No car is perfect and if the seat is not being used daily then it really is a minor issue. We will have our youngest in a child restraint for another 5 years so wont be an issue with us for a while as we will keep her in the middle position. After that we may need to sell the car if the children refuse to sit in it (and really who could blame them).

    Lets hope Toyota rectify this issue in the future (or atleast have the option of a bench seat set up as well as the current one)

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