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Posts posted by lizardking

  1. Mate that whole section is pretty much a couple of big pieces including the glovebox so if it's well under there then you will have to go to town on it with a screwdriver. Failing that, you might be able to get your hand under there by removing the trim around the gear shifter if you have a manual, you will have to remove the gear knob, take the cig lighter out and disconnect it, remove the lower ashtray and the piece that the gearboot is connected to pops right out. You might be able to go in that way.

    Thanks for the response. I asked her how attached she was to the earring as I pointed out what is involved here. She said to not worry about the earring.

  2. Its not really the ashtray but the storage compartment in the centre of the dash. The one on the very bottom in front of the stickshift. Anybody know what the trick is to remove this? My wife's earring fell down in behind and I'm having a devil of a time trying to get the compartment out without breaking something.


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