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Knock-off / Replica parts are KILLING Innovation

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Except Toyota and Mazda products are still made with good quality and aren't blatant rip-offs of designs from Lotus. There's a difference between inspiration and imitation.

With the exception of Mazda's series 3(or 4) RX7 looking remarkably like the Porsche 944 of the day (even allegedly down to badge positions), but then Porsche supposedly took legal action against Mazda on that one

and how many people thought the MRS2 looked like a Boxster (not that Toyota would do replicas

(Sorry no pics to illustrate as I haven't got around to reading how to do them yet - yes I know where the article is I just haven't read it)

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Or Nissan copying the 7th gen Celica headlights for the GTR and 350Z. But that is how style goes; everyone copies what someone took a risk on. Copying a whole car is another storey, it's like bands doing covers because they couldn't be ****d to write anything.

I know there are thousands of more examples out there than can be listed.

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