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Cleaning Rear Light Lenses

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I want to clean the inside of the rear lenses on my 2000 Camry 20 series. Have pored over the workshop manual and can find nothing helpful. If it wore an older car I'd start unscrewing items, but I'm a bit cautious about what you can do without setting off an airbag inadvertenly. IT seems access is from the inside. Can I just start disconnecting? Would appreciate any advice.

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Setting off the airbag? thats kinda like believing that if you switch tv channels too fast the tv will explode.. isnt it? dont quote me on that though lol!

separating the tail lights from the car shouldnt be that difficult. no, i dont have a camry, but ive taken off and swapped my tail lights more than a couple times (thats the part you are talking about right? the rear lenses are the same as tail lights yea?) from my 03 corolla and its only got 3 screws holding it in place in each tail light.

now, once you have taken it off, the real challenge begins- are the existing holes which accomodate your indicator and brake lights enough for you to clean the inside of your tail lights, or are you wanting to separate the red/white plastic lenses from the actual housing?

if the construction of the tail lights is anything like the headlights , there should be some really tough gluey substance keeping the lense and the back plastics together and would require heating via heatgun or in your kitchen oven to soften the glue and separate the 2 parts.

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Thanks J_J. Yes I do sound a bit paranoid and I enjoyed the TV analogy! A bit careful after reading warnings here and there in the handbook warning of unexpected events. Many thanks for your help.

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nothing should happen, but if you want to be super cautious, just disconnect the battery

no power... nothing to trigger the airbags

one thing though, make sure you dont short anything across the terminal.

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