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About Moto

  • Birthday 05/30/1979

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  • Toyota Model
    TRD 3500S

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    Nelson Bay

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  1. Apologies for the thread mine but I thought people might be interested to know that my TRD Aurion is till going strong on the original transmission fluid having covered 190,000 Km's. I was trolling around the net trying to find how I change it myself but for a few hundred bucks I'll give it to Toyota. I do the rest of the servicing myself.
  2. Bit of an unexpectedly rough response in my opinion but thanks for taking the effort to reply none the less. You are of course correct, the most likely course of solving the problem will be through the seller. However, most of my comments/questions were based around the wiring on the car side and there is/was an off chance that it might be something that I have missed or is not clear from the units operational manual but could have been cleared up by someone who has come across this issue before. You will note that I haven't come running on here crying as soon as it didn't work, I tried to resolve the issue myself (looking at wiring diagrams found on here), then searched the forums for information as evident by my above post, and then asked the question to the masses in conjunction with emailing the seller. I actually thought that was a relatively pragmatic approach. With regard to starting a new thread, all of the other forums I frequent actually prefer this so as not to dilute the specific topic of another thread or have a thread that's 2000 pages, in a forum with 5 topics because everyone is scared to start a new thread; making it difficult to find specific answers. This is obviously not the case here so your advise on the matter will be noted for next time. Lastly, I have taken the time to do an initial review of the unit in the 37 page long GPS head unit thread for the betterment of others on this site. Whilst I don't expect a medal for doing this a little bit of politeness wouldn't hurt when accidentally contravening a new thread rule you so eagerly pointed out. Maybe you should change the text under your avatar from Pyromaniac to Megalomaniac
  3. Okay, it seems from searching that grounding the pink wire will restore the DISP function. I'll look into that. Still doesn't help with the volume up/down and skip/previous track. Reading other posts saying they the buttons run through resistors scares me :P It appears this is what the wires do respectively on the connector I'm talking about. Connector 3: 3 - Purple - Speed signal (used for ASL in stock unit) 6 - Pink - Steering control ground 7 - Orange - Steering control signal (for SEEK and VOL) 8 - Yellow - Steering control signal (for MODE)
  4. So I installed a new aftermarket head unit yesterday and it all works great....except the steering wheel controls! The instructions for this feature are poor at best so I thought I'd ask you guys. The HU unit has a screen which allows you to 'set' various functions by selecting the function on the screen and then 'assigning' a steering wheel button to them by pressing it. I did manage to get the volume down button working but none of the others. This (worryingly) suggests the wiring may be okay and the problem is with something else right? The HU manual talks about grounding a wire from the car and making sure it's connected to a wire from the DVD unit. However, they are all plugs and no loose wires. Also the plug on the car side has 4 wires. The plug on the stereo has three (though the brown one is apparently unused). Can anyone tell em what the 4 wires in the cars steering wheel plug do specifically? (which one is which etc) I notice this morning that the 'DISP' button used to scroll though the LCD menu in the dash doesn't work either. Other functions such as turn indicators and cruise control work so I hope it's just an issue with the new plug. I'll contact the seller also but may get more sensible responses from you guys! Cheers, Steve
  5. I'd be interested in this too. Its one of the pricier units on ebay and the one I'm personally looking at when funds free up so I'm interested to see if its worth the extra premium. Jacob, this is the same $370 (delivered) unit that I have just bought and not the one you are thinking of
  6. Have you tried cpntacting the seller. I have just bought this exact HU from him and his correspondence is fast and helpful. Only other thing I would try is removing the radio fuses for a few minutes and hope the loss of power restores settings. Sorry I can't be of more help. As a side note, could you tell me your thoughts on the unit? Nobody else on here has reviewed one. Sorry for the minor hijack!
  7. Yeah mine has the inevitable stone chips too. I'm often out and about round Newy and never seen you. I'll keep my eye out.
  8. The silver one around Newy might have been me, though I did used to see another silver one going from Newy out past Kooragang most mornings when I was on my way into work from Nelson Bay. I work in central Newy but have been catching the train a fair bit recently too. Definitely never seen a red one, they do look nice!
  9. I'm on the Central Coast, I haven't seen another TRD around here yet. How long have you had it?
  10. Is the Toe and Camber even adjustable in the Aurion?
  11. Tyre pressure has been maintained at the recommended pressure in the manual (can't remember exactly what that is now, though I should as I've done it enough times!). I got anal thinking it was a tyre pressure problem so checked it every few weeks for a while and they were always where they should be. My driving style is very sedate, I mainly just drive to work and back in traffic and never cane it over roundabouts. I've had this car 3 years now and my only real complaint about it is the front tyre wear is ridiculous. It is definitely a problem with the car as opposed to my driving style. Tyres have been supplied through several different places now and balanced each time (obviously). SO it can't really be an issue with a certain company doing it wrong. I'd take it in to Toyota, but I don't really trust them to do anything other than charge me a heap of money just to tell me it's fine. Thanks for the replies. Steve
  12. Just after some info from you TRD owners on here. Have any of you had issue with tyre (other than the obvious!)? My tyres never wear evenly on the front despite rotating them and having them balanced/aligned at regular intervals. I got 10,000Km on my last set that wore heavily on the insides. This set are wearing heavily on the outer sides??? Just about to put new tyres on and wonder if there is anything I can get the guys to look at?? Camber etc all seems fine to the naked eye.
  13. It's a shame that there aren't more mods readily available for the TRD's yet. I'd be interested. Still am in the Varex mufflers but it all looks like too hard work.
  14. No but you have golf ball size hail, extremely harsh UV levels, poor quality road surfaces (comparitively speaking) and stonechips the size of my winky. I don't see how either effect the mean price of a car, especially the new car market. The cost to ship cars to Oz is not a big factor either. Aussie's just get ripped off. You can get some European cars for almost half the cost in the UK than over here in Oz, why? Shipping would cost ~$1000, what makes up the other $30,000 price differential over a new BMW? Are the car manufacturers charging way too much or does the goverment tax the things to highly? Or both?
  15. I wouldn't bother either, it's expensive and a lot harder work than importing a car from Japan into the UK (which I have done with 2 Supra's). Just buy an Auusie car. You will have to get used to high car prices for everything except the Ford and Holden (Vauxhall/Opel) offerings. For $30,000 you can get a quick car but nothing like in the UK and it will have to be a blown falcon turbo or V8. Both are common as dogs dinners and not my cup of tea.
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