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Posts posted by GTL05T

  1. thats alright man. I've installed my sub and amp into the headunit so pulling that apart is fine for me. But is that the relay i connect my push button to? Isnt it a different pin kind of thing that has a green wire i need to splice into that already connected to my car? Atm im following the guide that alex-c gave me which is kinda confusing with no words. Also do i need to bolt on a cable onto the body of the car? because i havent seen anyone mention that but it says so in the manual. Maybe i need to just start from scratch and get help from you guys.

    which also reminds me, is the micro relay (narva) that goes behind the headunit completely different from just the relay i need to splice into? im so confused lol

    That TOYOTA GUIDES CRAP!!! Useless.... The pics r on my facebook for u... theres not many but itll give u a rough idea of how urs will be wired up.

  2. Sorry to double post, but im really confused now. Where is the relay and cables located for the foglights in the drivers seat side? In the guide it looks simple as because they only point out the main cables needed. But once you look under there there's heaps of cables and they all look the same. and the location of cabling in the installation manual and the car are not the same. I understand what needs to be wired, i just need to find the actual wires. Especially the green wire to splice into that, and where is the cable to plug into the push switch? So if anyone can point me in the right direction then that would be much appreciated :D

    So in a summary i just want to know where:

    - cables for the foglights are under the drivers seat

    - Poisition of relay

    - Position of cable to plug into the switch.

    Hey bro.... sori i didnt get back to u on facebook... i think will has the pics... its easier to pull his head unit out becoz hes got the stock head unit n theres only a few wires behind there... There is a slot where the relay goes into... ill find the link where kenneth shows u.

  3. im a very responsible driver kev......

    LOL!!! I neva knew riping hand brakeeeeez in ur parents 40k+ wrx at kiama n kangaroo valley was responsible driving... LOL BRO!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :P :P :P

  4. they usually send a letter notifying you that you have 2 or so points left, from what i have heard.

    hope you don't have asian parents.

    Yes, I have asian parents *sigh*.

    And if u were a ISLANDER, u would get the MADDEST HIDING OF UR LIFE... Regardless of ur age.. lol!!

  5. Very nice car man.... SHINNY AZ!!!!! That zre u have in ur sig, r the number plates MI55SU?? Coz ive seen it around the city... If not, my bad... lol!!! Keep the pics rolling in bro...

  6. I can't believe how little respect some of you clearly have for other peoples' property. It's not bloody rocket science - it's not his property, it's someone else's, they told him they don't want him ripping bits off it, therefore he shouldn't. I can't believe anyone would have their head far enough up their own ****s not to follow that line of reasoning.

    I'm done. I've just lost a little bit more faith in the human race. Good job fellas - hope you're proud.

    PS. @1stKill, you can still be charged with theft even if the victim is your dad, the only difference is that in most peoples' cases their dad is less likely to press charges, and more likely to beat you upside the head instead.

    Wot eva u DORK... By the sounds of things, it sounds like ur HEAD IS STUCK UP UR AR5E!!!

    Did somebody call the FUN POLICE????

    That is all...

    I cant remember wot show i saw the done up one on.... It was silver with a black roof n it had 18'' chromies on it, lowered and it had a sick as ICE INSTALL...

    Sori about this lil debate on ur thread bro...

  7. @OP, the Prius is your dad's car, so his rules apply. Show some respect for his property and don't go sneaking behind his back pulling badges off his car when he's specifically told you not too - it's a poor show of character, and it's also likely to affect the resale value of the car. When you pay for your own car you can do what you like to it, till then just be grateful you've been allowed to drive a brand new car for free.

    If I was in his shoes and found out I'd be making you pay to have the badges put back, and you certainly wouldn't be driving that car again! :nono:

    He can do wot eva he WANTS....

    BTW... Lowered with black 18'' rims and dark tint, would look PHAT!!! Ur gota kool lil car bro... CONGRATS!!!!

  8. Spotted@ the street on the north side of Mt Druitt Station.

    tonight, around 9.40-10pm

    Greyish Corolla with bodykit, au.toyotaownersclub.com sticker plastered on the rear window. Parked on the side of the road... near the north mt druitt shops/24hr gym.

    I've spotted that a few times to....

  9. Oh more trolling from Modena again... he seems to infiltrate many of my posts..

    Listen, I owned and build the first 1jz powered cressida in Australia, Im well aware of power when it comes to mods. What do you expect from a NA 1.8l ZRE?? Like many others have stated, all these little mods add up to more mid range and a more enjoyable daily. Im over driving balls out torque beasts... maybe one day on the track again, but nothing wrong with some groundwork on the ZRE..

    Who said the Corolla was a machine that mods well? We are all just trying to extract a little more from our dailies, you know, the ones that have been released in the last two years as opposed to 10 -15 years ago... Ive said it before, dont bother posting if you dont have anything constructive to say.

    Modena seems to be a bit of a HATER... I agree with you dutchie, DONT BOTHER POSTING IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING CONSTRUCTIVE TO SAY...

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