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Posts posted by GTL05T

  1. Shot seano!! Why don't u come on our cruz next month?

    i shall try car is almost ready dad is gonna have to drive though i am only on L's and havent really driven manual yet (dnt yell at me lol) so yeh i will try and i shotty seano lol

    tell ur dad to come along bro it'll be good to meet use both. Will he let u drive??

    Shot seAn-oh-9!! Lol!

    yeh i will attempt to get him interested let him drive lol yeh we have been drivin toyotas for a while he has a twincam track car but yeh if he says yes i will inform u and i shot SEANO!!!! capitals i win mwahahahahahahaah

    so ur dads a race driver aye??? That's kool az bro! I wish my old man had a race car! Lol!! Ur a funny guy Sean0H-9!! Convince ur dad!!! SHOT BRO!!

  2. Shot seano!! Why don't u come on our cruz next month?

    i shall try car is almost ready dad is gonna have to drive though i am only on L's and havent really driven manual yet (dnt yell at me lol) so yeh i will try and i shotty seano lol

    tell ur dad to come along bro it'll be good to meet use both. Will he let u drive??

    Shot seAn-oh-9!! Lol!

  3. My bad guys I Neva knew there was already a thread. Well wen were on meets sumtimes u forget ppls names. Lol! I thought this would make things a lil easier.. Sum ppl can't even say my name for sum reason so my Nick names WY. Lol! That's a lil bit easier to remember.........

  4. Hey guys, just thought I would start a name thread just to put sum names to faces wen there's a club meet. I thought it'll be easier doin it this way so wen there is a meet we'll know each others names. Lol!

    I'll start...


    peace out guys!

  5. i've searched and found no answers, just the old WTS threads, does anyone here have one? what type have you got? i'm looking into throwing one into a Levin zr is there anything i should look out for? will it even suit my motor? or is there any legalities towards this upgrade. i just want to be sure before i go ahead and start shopping for one that's all



    Sorry if this is a stupid question but i want to do some research first before i go ahead with it otherwise i just wont do it

    R they those metal tube things with the electric fan that plugs into the intake??? if so, there GAY!!! my mate put one on his bros subaru RS, he was full tellin us its a electric supergharger... its a waste a tym!!! there was no performance gain wot so eva!!! its sounds lyk a radiator FAN!!! major GAYNESS!!!

  6. QUOTE (GTL05T @ Aug 12 2009, 05:15 PM)

    QUOTE (sickular. @ Aug 12 2009, 03:43 PM)

    Hey I sold my 34 a lil while ago and have been looking for a new car.


    Hey bro just wondering... WHY DID U SELL THE 34 was it a GT-R, GT or a GT-T???

    It was a GT-T, fast, but as it was a tiptronic it was'nt as fun to drive as a manual. Drank fuel like a drunken irish sailor. And I've now realised that I'm a 4 cyl man.

    I just wanted to ask why did u even bother gettin a R34 TIP TRONIC GT-T in the FIRST PLACE??? LOL!! I wouldve got a manual.. LOL!! Sportivos are HOTT BRO i didnt know about them wen i bought my car n that was about almost 2 yrs AGO... If i knew about them i wouldve got one instead of my ZRE.. I LOVE MY ZRE THOUGH!!!

  7. Hi Guys,

    My name is Jon. First time in here. Im a mechanic by trade but mostly involve in vehicle inspections and breakdowns on the road. Way easier job than being in the workshop all day.

    I own a ZRE152 sedan. Just a typical family car and only owned Toyotas all my life from my Grandfather to every single uncles and aunties. Even my company car is a Toyota.

    I hope everyone will have a good cruisin' day today........

    PHAT ANOTHER ZRE!!! Welcome bro why u from??

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