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Everything posted by Toddzor

  1. Thanks Integra's seem to be expensive, as i got 1 car in my searh for under 5k. Though i would love to wait for a celia to show up, is ther any other sportyish cars for the same low price as a celica?
  2. Unfortunately , no. All my family - apart from my uncle who lives in NSW Sydney (no celica's ther anyway), live in Qld. Which kinda sucks , as i would really like one of these nice cars.
  3. Ah , right , thanks for replies guys. Black turkey, the state issues are only a problem because i want to look at the car and test drive it before i buy it. And going to a different state may be a waste of time if there is something wrong with it or it does not drive well.
  4. Thanks for the help black turkey. Ive been looking on carsales and carpoint. My budget is small i must admit , at around 4500 if my parents chuck in some. I know its not much, but i did get these two celicas (im sure they arnt that good) http://www.carpoint.com.au/used-car/TOYOTA....aspx?State=QLD http://www.carpoint.com.au/used-car/TOYOTA....aspx?State=QLD I live in queensland , so am limited to qld cars only, which is kind of a let down. I dont know what the price range should be for a decent celica. If you know any celicas around that price mark that i didnt link, thatd be great if you could.
  5. Hey there, New to the forums. As im 16, and have been looking for a first cars, i have came across the idea that i would love a celica. Not only do they look nice (90-93 models personally), but i have seen alot of good reviews on this car. Though there doesnt seem to be many celica's on car websites there are a couple of 90 models. Now my question to you all is: What is the difference between the three models 90 - 93. And would getting a 90 instead of waiting for a 93 to arise from somewhere be a mistake?.... I know that the shifter is shorter in the 92/93 models but that is about all i could research. I do not know any of the other differences and if they are important or not. I might also add that im not very knowledgable on cars. If someone could please list a few differences in the models, itd be really helpful Thanks Todd
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