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Posts posted by BONDEE


    BONDEE in her S14..... DAMN SHINY! REALLY! i gotta tell you adrian... its really shiny ROFL>...

    and spotted Nellie in her stivo... in great eastern hway heading towards mundaring.....

    did u guys noticed my car? ROFL... anyway... i only see your car for like 1 second.... i was " a little bit" speeding... ROFL...+ BONDEE and Nellie was speeding too... u can hear BONDEE's exhaust damn loud! ROFL

    ooo a spotted! we were on our way to northam to take some girls to their school ball :)

    i didnt see you! :( i wasnt speeding was i? lol i had my son in his car seat in the back! :)

  2. where is this farm you speak of?! :spiteful:

    i`ll ask my fren n get back to u ey..she loves her guinea pig so much.. :D

    Edit : Orite i just talked to her..she said its pemberton farm chalet....i have no idea where..but yeah thats where it is :D but she says be quick..cos they arent alot of those cute lil things left!!

    oooo my bf wont let me have one i dont think, i have sooooo many pets already!

  3. REOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sexi sexi! hehehehehehe

    i'll look after her! promis! lol! i even made ash drive and pick me up and take me to work this morning (he is using my Aurion atm after smashign his) so i didnt dive her in the rain and ruin her sexy shine! lol

    kicked nels Stivo out of the complete undercover last nigth too! hehe

  4. hey just a thought GReddy_ES but why dont you try gettin a few cars together that you've detailed (oviously people who are willign to put in some work on there own cars too) and promote the bussiness big time?!

    i'd be in for it!!!! PLUS ive entered BULK shows so i'd be up for helping organiseing, the stand and ****?!

  5. mate that sucks balls! but think once your through this you'll realise she did you a favor, makign you stronger for the next **** the world throws at you, and making a space in your life for an AMZING girl to fill (that chick doesnt deserve it).

    this time last year i was inlove, and living with my "GREAT" boyfriend, who after 12months of being together decideed to start sleeping wiht my best mate! NICE HUH?! and it went on for 6weeks before i found out...

    it was the worst pain i'd ever felt... BUT now im with an amazing guy who treats em like a princess and is ALWAYS there for me, if i hadn't have felt the pain my ex put me through i would never have appriceatecd my current BF like i do, nor would i have been open to loving him if my ex didnt fuk me over! :) :)

    YOU'll be right it'll hurt now but you have LOTS of people who care about you here!!! we'll help you through it!


  6. it all depends how much QUALITY means to u

    haha..if u got to tint a car..they`re cheap yeah..but those idiots didnt clean my windows properly..n tinted the dirt inside my screen..no wonder even after the few hundred products i tried..nth removed it..becos its in between the tint and the window...

    im pretty sure jemal wont do that

    i agree completly!!!! i had a nasty tint experience... .BUBBLES!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!

    so im definatley up for paying for quality... AND if we get a group together, paybe a sticker or two? we could hopefully entice a little LUUUUVVVVV (i.e discount) hehehe

    ok Jeremy, you rock... you made me giggle in 8:40am after a big night! thats hard to do! i'd love to think how many times you washed it before working it out! lol

  7. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats inside too! oh cant wait to get it tomorrow!!! crusie tomorrow night buddy!!!!!

    id your car a SHE? hrmmm i think it looks like a HE!

    haha i would think it'd be a SHE haha yeah inside's all done..so dun dirty it..no eating,drinking and throwing candy in ur compartment box!haha

    LOL but but but! they fit there... easy acess while your driving... i just FORGET they'er there! lol! did you pop the boot? lol you poor thing if so!

    WOW.. dead body!? but omg sexy!

    hahahahaha noooooooo just blankets, clothes, umm... got knows what else! hehe oops!

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