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steve chan

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Everything posted by steve chan

  1. busy for whole day today, went to kmart ask for the RWC no. and then went to transport centre, they told me that i can register for him along with the forms and rwc copy if the buyer have not done the transferation within 14days~
  2. Oh...my ***, but i forgot to write him a receipt.... what should i do? mail him a receipt?
  3. Sorry a little bit long story, but please be patient and have a look, i reli need ur help~! Hi guys, i have sold my toyota echo about......couple weeks ago. Before that, someone inspected my car with his mechnanic friend and his friend said my echo is okay and the buyer said he trust his friend, the mechnanic and pay 500 deposit when my echo had not issued RWC yet(Queensland), after that, i went to Kmart and made an appointment to get the RWC and Kmart was just available in three days after, so i made the appointment anyway. Anyhow, at the day of getting RWC, the buyer paid me the full amount and sign those paperworks with me, but the RWC had not issued at the time coz the guys at kmart said my echo need a replace of suspension and two new tyres to obtain RWC so i paid for it in total $615, then the buyer was agreed to wait for it and give me the RWC number to complete the paperwork(my part, the disposal part) afterwards. Then, i thought everything would be okay, but in these days after the sale, he keep txting me and bothering me about the car seems not right and he want my aftermarket gear knob and aftermarket antenna which were installed on the car when he inpected it, but i said i wont give him that, finally, i gave him those gear knob and antenna becoz he tried to bother me everyday and i was so angry and annoy. Yesterday(He got the echo for 7 days already), he emailed me saying the echo has a funny flapping sound when he was driving and i just know that he has not hand in the paperworks to transport centre yet and he said he might give the car back to me and i need to pay him back, Please, please, someone tell me what am i gonna do? i'm so angry! i just wanna have this thing done, but he keep bothering me everyday~ THANKS
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