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Posts posted by cuppas

  1. haha its at SIRC... hows that gonna work?

    also i thought they had like... accommodation for rowers? they had like rooms near one of the rowing sheds last time i was there. could be wrong though

  2. well yeah shes a write off.

    ...i did swap in stockie struts and wheels. hoping insurance isnt voided by the 1/2" bunnings nuts holding front right strut in place =O

  3. basically got hit by a merc. into a rolla. lol.

    edit- it was my ****box magna though. be spewin if it was dads rav.


  4. how long until you get off your Ps?

    people are given a number of two week extension periods... and the points are only deducted after the admission of guilt

    there was a guy on the magna forums who was on his reds and was caught speeding. managed to delay the fine until he got his greens. kept his license.

    that work for you?

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