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Everything posted by jublian

  1. it could well say iLU its a lower case i with a tail if it is.
  2. 1s-LLU 1832CC thanks for that little tidbit, i had no idea where to find the engine number i have emailed toyrolla and imlachs asking about the three engines listed here (being the 3s-ge 3s-gte and the 1s-LLU) are there any other places likely to be of any help around melbourne?
  3. i'll get some photos tomorrow when there's some light. i had a lot of trouble getting the bonnet open to check the engine out today. some one, in all their wisdom, attempted to break into my 21 year old car. not noticing it had an imobiliser and parts of the engine were on the floor. they didn't actually manage to get in but pried off the barrel for the drivers side lock (the passenger side has never worked) got it open today though
  4. So my lovely pimpmobile (red interior) had some problems i, in my stupidity, ignored. it needs a new engine and so far i haven't been able to get any information i'm able to decipher (not being a very car-savvy person) It's a 1987 Select Saloon Corona 1.8l EFI engine the owners manual has ST series on the front although i'm not 100% if thats right (or what it means really) basically i'm after some info regarding what engine model is in the car or even what engine will fit in without any mods (if possible) thanks in advance. julian
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