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Posts posted by flyeah

  1. I received a penalty notice saying I was breaking a red light camera.

    But I remember I only crossed the intersection when the light was yellow!

    I put my images of the offence here together with a sample image I searched on internet showing how the red light camera should work:

    anybody knows should I argue with State Debt recovery office? and what can I say?




  2. My GPS is not working due to my screen settings!

    after I setup the screen (from the GPS menu list), the touch screen doesnot respond at the place I touched, and seems shifting left about 1 cm.

    Thus, I couldnot reach the "close" button located on the right top corner of the touch screen!!!

    Is any way to reslove this? Really appreciate...

  3. 1. When I ring my friends with bluetooth, my friends cant hear me every 5 or 10 seconds. anyone had this problem?

    is that because faulty product, or wrong configuration or...

    Yeah. That's one of the things that annoys me with the unit. Goes something like this. I get a call, unit doesn't switch to bluetooth mode completely for at least 5 seconds, then when I press answer, I have to wait 3-5 seconds before I can say hello. Epic lag.

    appreciate your reply :lol:.

    But my problem is when I m on the phone, EVERY 5 second or ten second, the receipient lost me.

    I made a test when I m on the phone, and read "1 2 3 4 .. " to 20, my friend missed 4 and 10,11

    any idea?

  4. a technician got my GPS/DVD Player (bought from auspack) installed, and I found the following problems afterwards:

    1. When I ring my friends with bluetooth, my friends cant hear me every 5 or 10 seconds. anyone had this problem?

    is that because faulty product, or wrong configuration or...

    2. the sounds from radio seems not as clear as before. Even I tune well to a station, when I am driving or after I drive miles away, it becomes not clear again. I doubt if the radio antenna was not connected... but technician told me there would be no reception at all if it wasnot connected. and he also told me, the reason why it is not clear is because I have tuned to many small stations and also the radio is not as good as the original one.

    3.I can clearly hear some noises behind the GPS (sounds like cords colliding) when bumping along gravel roads.

    any suggestion? :o

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