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Posts posted by kanjo

  1. I have to agree with the last Post,

    and i agree i sound like an old woman,

    How many times have we been passed by a P plater and we were already doing the speed limit?

    My understanding of the 'P' plate is that it refers to the driver being the holder of a PROVISIONAL licence not a proffesional licence as i beleive many would like to think. Should these inexperienced drivers be working as delivery drivers?

    Driving fast is great fun, but, how many of these drivers are not skilled enough to recover a vehicle from a 2 or a 4 wheel skid? both are common when speed and harsh breaking are present. Obviously there are many other situations where only experience and training will assist but even if you look at the most basic like skidding... I dont remember being taught this from my $70 dollar an hour driving school.

    I do beleive that training would be a huge help in curbing 'P' accidents, just to prevent basic acidents.

    ** heres where i climb in the soapbox **

    And as mentioned in other postings what about power limitations? Anybody tried to get a Motorcycle licence lately? not only are there power restrictions but 2 driving courses as well, and of course NO PASSENGERS!

    Is allowing a P driver to go out all night with his mates while they are on the p!ss safe.

    Given he is the DESIGNATED DRIVER i accept he is sober. End of the night he is tired, has a car full of drunk mates who are egging him on and is sitting behind the wheel of a VN SS or maybe an older turboed jap. If you cant see that this screams of disaster look again because it is unfortunately commonly true.

    Ever noticed when they report an accident on the news ( and show them peel a car of a tree/pole) and moan that it was P driver that they then list the car full of people she/he had.

    This should not happen, people are being allowed to die because policy makers/civil libiterians are to afraid to do exactly what was done with motorcycles. School education, s#@t give me a break, most kids at school theses days dont give a s@#t already.

    A licence should not be a given it should be a privelage.

    I will now go a way for a while to dodge flying beer cans headed my way. <_<

  2. Sometimes you Guys **** me off. You crap on about stuff you have no idea that is where you ruin this forum. I have been tempted to leave this forum many times because of idiots this just gives me another case for thinking so. Think what you like pecker, trd141 I don't care. I have reasons for not posting my Dyno sheet It is basicly none of your buisness, Also I have shown it to some people just because I don't show it to you so what.  I never said the car is far superior to any other car every one else is making so called claims about my car faster or not.  I will drive car how I like and when I like not because you tell me to do so. Why are you making attacks on me when I have not done so to you??? :angry:.


    I have had the unfortunate pleasure of being without DSL for 8 weeks and have sorely missed getting on and reading the forums.

    Sad to see that the same old @#$% is going on. <_<

    I,m with PEEKAY here, what does it matter, just look at his mods. Half the fun is how you get there not how fast.

    I have kept my STIVO completely stock but do drool at what he has done to his and do like to here about what can be done.

    Besides we should all know by now that the fastest car getting around is a BUDGET RENTER CAR. :D


    Hmm... CAI, HEADERS, HP EXHAUST, Dang i'd even suffer and accept a UNICHIP :D

    Sorry boys just trying to make light. But, DEFINATELY count me in on any group action. B)

  4. i have seen stationary radars at the bottom of hills and also when it is raining. holden rodeos on nature strip with fluoro safety vest over the seat which makes it look like a contractor doing work.

    Hmm.. not sure about other states but in NSW there is no way a RODEO would be doing RADAR or stationary LIDAR.

    RADAR (mobile) is only fitted to vehicles that have calebrated speedos (SS's,XR8'S & XR6'S)and LIDAR (stationary {hairdryer}) can only be used by certified operators who are exclusively HWY PATROL - who only drive... you guessed it, SS's, XR8'S & XR6'S.

    anyhoo, at the end of the day if they get you for a speed on either you are stuffed. <_<

  5. Has anyone else been unfortunate enough to break their aerial?

    I 'knocked' mine while washing the car and it just broke. :unsure:

    Spoke to toyota today, and as the actual turret broke the replacement cost for part alone was $209. :angry: Never mind labour for getting in between the roof trim.

    Dang, i could by a new head for that.

    I know its yours but wash it slowly boys.

  6. I think the ABS on the Stivo is ordinary at best. :angry:

    I have just done a driving course through work where i got to practice threshold braking ( Controlled braking to just before ABS kicks in and no skidding) in Falcons and Commodores and they felt a lot better. I reckon there was a lot more brake range compared to the STIVO.

    THe ABS on the Stivo seems to kick in WAY to early.


  7. I got synthetic at 5000Km, is that bad? The car sounds a little quieter and it hasnt hampered performance

    I doubt if it is bad as such, however i was recommended by a couple of mechanic friends to hold of to the 10000km service to allow the engine to completely bed in.

    A full synthetic to early may prevent the engine from running in, as it prevents that initial wear that you want.

    • (03MikeSportivo Posted on Feb 23 2004, 01:02 AM)]

    yeah thats all it is im sure if i looked around could have got some cheapo jap version for alot less but im impatient and it is TRD so yeah hopefully Toyota will recognise that as a Genuine part  or mabye not lol

    I think if you browse around a bit on the forum you'll find out what Penrith Toyota admitted to me. " Adding TRD parts will void the warranty of the vehicle on relation to the area where the part was installed." ie. CAI=engine. :angry::angry::angry:

    Again this was a d!ck head sales man but sounds like it was right.

    Anyhoo, i wasnt ragging out on your choice of CAI as i will no doubt weaken and invest likewise. :D :D

  8. I am considering one other upgrade but im not sure yet and thats to replace those crappy speakers with good ones that fit in the original housings so it will still look stock, im a big fan of stealth upgrades.

    make sure you post what you replace the speakers with. I agree that the supplied are duds and would like to know what result you get with a straight change over.

    Cheers B)

  9. Penrith Toyota imported it. bloke there by the name of john butler. i payed cost price $470. on their computers the sale price was almost $700. crazy ****!

    <_< <_< AM i right that this this is basically a bent pipe(red of course). $470 seems a little steap even at cost. Although After nearly buying my TIVO from the oxygen bandits at Penrith Toyota nothing would suprise me!

  10. ***ANOTHER NEWBIE***

    Gentlemen, (I Expect)

    I am the proud owner of a stock 2003 corrolla sportivo :D ,I would love a recomendation to somebody in sydney to do the AEM??( or recommended) cold air intake mod.

    Any advise in relation to having this or any other entry level mod done would be appreciated. ANY advise at all would be appreciated as i am mechanically impared. :blink::blink::blink:

    Kanjo :ph34r:

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