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  1. You should have picked a different name to the one on Toymods then A new crowd has slowly moved into the sprints, while the old crowd has got over it or moved up. I'm hopeing to move up next year, see how that goes though :P So the Mark2 is hopefully going to become more track car then before then? How it was could have made a mark (no pun intended) on the Superlap event. Yeah, thought about that after but ah well. The pink car was really a track only car anyway. It was rather highly modified. All the doors were gutted, all the windows were 3mm lexan except the windscreen, all heater and aircon equipment removed, sound deadening removed, custom fuel tank etc. It's planned for a come-back with more bits stripped out to lighten it more, better brakes, much bigger wheels and tyres under heavily modified guards, 6sp sequential and a 3.4ltr engine etc. It's coming back as an even more full-on Sports Sedan basically as I plan to take it up to the leading Qld Sports Sedan drivers in the next couple of years. Hopefull contest the 2011 season. Man that sounds a long way away... In the mean time a friends buying an IPRA corolla that I will get to drive too
  2. The Mk2 is currently in a shipping container in storage. Will be reborn again later when I have the funds neccessary to do what I want to with it. I have the concept in mind, with drawings and I have the mechanical ideal in my head but its going to take quite a few dollars to achieve it. As much as I spent on it in the first place in fact just to get it how I envisage. With the specs I have in mind, I should be able to mince Russ's time. As for here, well JP asked me about what times I was doing the other week, and said there were people here discussing race times and Im always interested in race stuff, as opposed to general discussions about what size amp to use on a 12in woofer... or how big a chrome rim will fit on my honda. Thought I'd start off by seeing if I could get myself flamed for a quick time without mentioning the cars exactly ;) But no-one bit before you and JP spoiled the party lol Ah well, at least I have my road car too so I have a valid input since the pink car truly isnt a good yard stick for a road car. Whitestivo, thanks for that. Damn right its a toyota, and on top of that its a full original floorpan too. Has no space-frame chassis bits anywhere. It also has factory front and rear ends, and even the rear brakes were only Supra 2 piston calipers on genuine supra rotors. Gearbox was an unmodified toyota R154 etc. No dog gears or anything. Got to love toyota engineering I say.
  3. For reference, on Natsoft this is the lap times for the Sprint track from August 07 90 John 1:01.7400 0:54.8600 0:54.3600 0:54.8400 0:57.0600 Standing start off the grid, last lap was caught up in lapped traffic
  4. I used to have a Z21 Soarer years ago, but that isnt what I raced. The race car is a Toyota Mark2 JZX90. Some people think of them as Chasers though thats a seperate version of the same basic car. My Mk2 was fitted out pretty well and the weight was stripped down to just 1250kg with a full tank of fuel. Add in a reasonably strong 3ltr 2J based engine and some decent tyres and you have the makings of something fun Bear in mind this is not a road car. Not even close to being road legal. I took my road going Mk2 out in december and with full weight car, old used up tyres and a stock 1J engine I ran 62.7 on the Sprint track. My Pink car could do a standing start on the sprint track and still come in seconds faster then that
  5. Possibly, but when you consider the pink car was upshifting to 5th at the start line which was 215kmh and was still accelerating you dont really want that bearing down on you into turn 1 lol
  6. Yeah 2008 was the first time they seperated the race cars from the street cars. Apparently there were complaints about the race cars flying past the road cars or something and people thought it was dangerous.
  7. Thats just pure luck that I happened to drive EXACTLY over someone elses tyre marks, honest...
  8. Geez, a 54s lap is flying! That is almost the lap record. Or do you mean 64? Fifty four, Dave
  9. Damn those Komi bastards :P Yeah, I'm surprised at how few people attended that round, usually it is very busy. For example last year points only went down to a 65s lap time at the first round. I'm pretty certain that the CRX with the 62s lap time was on full slicks <_< 62 seconds isnt too bad. I ran my simple little Toyota around the sprint track a few times in 2007 and managed to get a 54.36s lap time as the best effort. I didnt think that was too bad for an old rwd jap car
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