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Posts posted by XploShun

  1. id better chek it out too.. coz mine smells too...... hmmm... it smells like my 2 yr old nephew wet his pants...

    yay.. group buy!!!

    but i reckon... i wont b using the a/c much nowadays.... winter is coming.. and the petrol... $1.50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

    but wt the heck

  2. man thats just crap!!!

    by the time u get all your parts.. a new corolla is out already

    im waiting for my stuff to...

    and... fuk.. its 1 wk late already.. i still didnt get it!

  3. sigh... i wanna come for the 1st time....

    but i have to work on both wkends... starting at 5am..... :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

    What do you do?

    just go after work..... :D

    im filling in for my bro... he owns a newsagent... and wont b working the whole frickin wkend!!!

    i did that once on new yrs day...... damn... it was bad...

    im gonna deliver paper in the morning for my bro soon...

    im gonna b like... that initial D dude....... delivering paper... not tofu... :D

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