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Posts posted by sanok

  1. I have replaced o-rings and insulators on injectors. Did everything according to manual and now engine has lower rpm. In neutral it was around 600 mark now is 500.

    When driving and coming to stop, motor vibrates and runs as it was going to die.

    What could be the cause?

    Yaris 2006 1NZFE

  2. There is an amazing groundbreaking movie to be released on the 22nd of April US time.

    It will send shock waves across the globe.

    Anyone heard about Disclosure Project and Sirius Documentary?

    If not here is a short summary:

    Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the worldwide Disclosure
    Movement and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence is
    working with Emmy award winning filmmaker Amardeep Kaleka and his team at
    Neverending Light Productions to produce one of the most significant films of
    our time.

    This film exposes the greatest story never told:

    The Earth has been visited by people from other worlds who are not malicious,
    but in fact concerned for the future of humanity.

    A cabal of military, industrial and financial interests have kept this contact
    and what we have learned from it secret for over 60 years.

    Their secrecy is meant to suppress the knowledge that can liberate the world
    from the yoke of oil, gas, coal and nuclear power
    and replace the current world
    order with one of New Energy and true Freedom, also no more poverty.

    Dr. Greer over the last 20 years interviewed over 500 US government, military,
    and intelligence community witnesses
    testifying to their direct, personal,
    first-hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that
    keeps this information secret.

    Be the first to see this groundbreaking documentary here:


  3. Hi to all who oppose wheel clamping.

    I need your help to fight this unfair, uncivilized practices.

    It already has been outlawed in Queensland,VIC, NSW, so why we still have to put up with it?

    ...Wheel clamping not only disrupts your daily activities but exposes you to a risk of being attacked when stranded alone after hrs or at night. Especially for aged, ill, infirm and more vulnerable members of the community.

    A fine + being stranded is too much! Just an infringement notice would be enough.

    If you overstay parking limit after hrs in an empty carpark, you are not causing any difficulties to other users, so why to be punished so harshly?

    There could be an exception or two to not use clamping:

    -when someone blocks your driveway

    -when parking is hazardous and/or causes difficulties to others

    Everyone please email, write, make a phone call to your local member of parliament and to your local council and highlight the abovementioned arguments.

    Ask them to present this matter in state government.

    Don't give up after first contact, keep annoying them until something is done.

    Contact channel 7 and nine and ask them to run a poll, to make a report on the issue, perhaps our politicians can take notice

    Hopefully legislation can be changed for better.

    Like this movement on Facebook

    Spread the word wherever you can

    Thank you

  4. Is it really necessary to service a car with professionals or DIY ?

    It cost around $270 for a major service and all they do is change oil and filters plus inspect few items.

    I can do it at a fraction of the cost, so what else they can do that I can't?

    They still use term : "electronic tuning", but such thing doesn't exist in today's cars,

    everything is set in ECU and there is no adjustments, or am I wrong?

    I know they connect a car to a diagnostic computers but to check only if everything is OK

    and not to tune anything.

    So if the car runs smoothly and no problems, why would you pay so much to change oil and filters?

    With the cars under warranty the reason would be to keep the warranty valid.

    Any other reasons?

  5. Hi all,

    I've noticed that both pads on drivers side are almost gone, while the other side has about 40% remaining.

    Checked the calipers, are freely moving, there is plenty of grease on bolts, piston seals OK no leaks.

    Car's braking behavior is quite normal and it doesn't pull to one side. So what could be the problem?

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