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Posts posted by Deanja

  1. It would seem there are multiple threads about the new site. I posted elsewhere that I use an Android Xoom tablet and there is no provision to switch to the desktop view, as had been stated by others when in Mobile view!!! I like to use desktop at all sites I visit with the Xoom, rather than mobile, mobile view, especially here now with the new update to this site is, well terrible.

  2. The mobile site has been updated too. What I find nice is the button at the bottom to view the desktop version. Only glitch there is my particular phone has remembered to display the full site now. I'll figure out how to change that one back.

    Overall, I quite like the new layout. It's quite clean. There are a few things that are hard to read due to contrast issues with the default colours, but maybe that might just be my eyes.

    Another thing that is neat is when you view new posts, if you click on one to read it, it is removed from the new posts list until another new post is added.

    I MUST BE MISSING SOMETHING. Running this on my Xoom Android Tablet I can't find any switch at the bottyom of the page to select desktop version or mobile. I prefer Desktop versions of all sites on my tablet, this looks terrible as a mobile on a tablet.

  3. NEWCASTLE TOYOTA ... STUFFED MY WIFES PRIUS :spiteful::angry: :( :nono::yahoo:


    WE NOW USE :3488.gif

    :P :rolleyes::wub::clap::toast:



  4. i saw that photo before.. its white gold

    Bingo, you're right, my wife and I saw this car up close and personal, it's a one off by the way, in Dubai, might be white gold, but when you see it in the outdoors and sun, looks amazing, and looks like pure SILVER

  5. This silver TRD, is it an SL?

    Sure is. I figured that if I was getting the TRD, I may as well get the higher spec one. Also, I just had to make sure I got the Smart Entry. Always wanted that feature.

    Just look at what you can do with a SILVER CAR, great choice


  6. Damn. This whole colour issue is really doing my head in. Why couldn't they have just made a Wildfire 3500SL? That would then be sorted without any further question.

    Like most people have said (and I agree with), black really is the way to go for looks given the two choices... but for my needs, silver is more logical. I guess what makes the decision making harder is that the silver one I'm looking at is at 18,000km and the black one is at 30,000km. The black is a bit cheaper as well and even has that moonroof which I've always wanted.

    I need Dave (SupaTouring) to help tip the scales towards silver. I have had some very good points for silver already, but that black is so tempting.

    Our neighbour over the road and his wife have a BLACK TRD 3500 SL, I have a silver prodigy. We both use our cars as daily drives etc. He's told me on several occassions, and so has his wife, that buying Black was the worst decission they've ever made with a car. They bought it on impulse, overwelmed by the look of the black and now they totally regret it. He always remarks that he wished he'd bought silver like ours because to quote him, 'my car always looks like it's just stepped out of the car wash', even when it may have been a week's use before it's had a tub. He can do his up to the nine's, go to the local shopping centre and by the time he's home it can take on a brown over black look from the dust.

    Looks great when it's just been cleaned, but by the end of the same day can look very ordinary !!!!

  7. I love silver coloured cars. Less attention and it's alot more subtle.

    I'm sure whichever colour Daryl goes for it will look special :)

    TradingPost used cars, Silver Aurion TRD 3500 SL, burgundy trim (looks great). Located Oberon NSW, 17.500K's, Go silver, always looks great even when dirty, easy to maintain finish, and TRD has enough contrasting pieces to make them look A1.

  8. Thanks so much to everyone for the kind words. Makes me feel so much better. It's to the point now that I can fairly easily not think about it all, but every now and again, I just realise that it actually did happen and that she is now gone.
    Time to upgrade to a TRD Aurion?

    Funny you mention that. Provided that I get paid out in full since I am pretty sure this car is a write-off (unles I am really thinking of getting another Aurion mainly because I still love the car for what it is, plus I have good faith in them now with respect to safety.

    At first I thought since I really love the Wildfire colour (and because that's what I had), I was thinking of maybe using my money to get an 07 Sportivo ZR6 with sunroof and keeping whatever cash was remaining. One reason I want the ZR6 is the Smart Entry. It's one of those gimmicks that I want. I then realised that this option probably isn't really the best choice, so then my next idea was to add about $10k and get say a 2009 facelift Sportivo SX6. I'm not much of a fan when it comes to the new Sportivo's though. But this option then means I will have a new car etc, etc.

    My other option though is to get a TRD. I would have to get a 3500SL since if I'm getting a TRD, I'll want the Smart Entry as well. Options are fairly limited, but I have found one for sale in Adelaide where I happen to be working in a couple of weeks time. This one would require that I add on about $10k to my insurance payout, pretty much like if I was to get the facelift SX6. Only thing is, the TRD is a 2007 model, however only has 18,000km on the clock. It is silver in colour (like yours David), so it doesn't quite feel the same to me, even though I have no issues with the colour.

    So while I wait for this insurance to sort itself out, I have some thinking to do. Depite the TRD being a 2007 model and being a second hand car, I am still leaning more towards it just due to the fact that it is the TRD.

    as per my txt msg daryl...

    Sorry mate. Nothing came through to my phone, but I understand. Thanks for the generosity as well. I should be fine though. I plan to have everything sorted out so once I return to Brissy, I should have a set of wheels again. Slightly more critical because I will be filling a full time position on my return which requires that I have a car.

    RED TRD 2007 MODEL FOR SALE SYDNEY (nsw) ON THE TRADING POST SITE. 19,300 K'S; $41,000 NEGOTIABLE CONTACT # 04142773493, Whilst it's got a few more k's they say it's in excellent condition, $10,000 cheaper than the other one might be worth a look !!!

  9. My vote is to make it skip the home page and go straight into the forum.

    Sure, but for anyone surfing, the look is bad ... dosen't look very progressive AND WOULD MAKE YOU THINK TWICE ABOUT ANY OTHER SECTIONS ON THE SITE !!!

  10. Well, why don't you be proactive and find and submit a story to be put on there...

    Yeah, lets put up news about the Toyota Recalls. That ought to keep people happy :blink:

    Sure the page is old, but it doesn't seem to be stopping people from registering on the forums. I don't think anyone is in a rush to freely update it. Steve is a pretty busy guy you know.

    Sorry you can say all you like, buts it's like buying todays newspaper to read the news about someone who died in the stone ages. Sure Steve might be busy, if I knew enough about computers I'd offer to do something about it myself, but I don't. Surely someone has though about approaching Toyota Australia's media department, although they could be very busy at the moment with all the recall defences they would be putting up, I'm sure they could assist, as it's in their interest to make sure that they are presented as a 2010 company, not back in 2008 !!!!!

  11. The Aurion is not a Prius. No need to bring panic and anger into the Aurion thread. Our brakes are fine.

    It's not a matter of Panic, iot's about Toyota's slip in quality control, this morning WORLDWIDE AGAIN, Looks like a grounding of Corollas with a steering fault. Yes I like Toyotas, we wouldn't own an Auirion and Prius if we didn't, but I don't stick my head in the sand and say hey, they can do no wrong. You spend enough time here trying to help those who find faults with their cars, you know that Aurions have a heap of faults too, that relate to quality control, squeaking dash boards, complaints about headlights etc. etc. etc.

  12. It seems to be limited to the US which always makes me wonder for a moment. Anyways, I've had my say in speculation over here:

    Seems that Toyota Engineering stuffed up!

    I personally think the occurrence wasn't really that high and was caused by people putting all-weather mats on top of the standard mat and/or not using the clips on the standard mats. Then it got blown out of proportion by people getting into accidents and using a stuck accelerator as an excuse since it was an ideal blame. Then the media got a hold of it and this is what you get. That's my theory anyways as crazy as it all sounds.

    On that topic of things, then you've got that VVT-i oil line issue? There were all these cases in the US with regards to it, and this led to them replacing them here. But the question exists of how many cases have you heard if this problem occurring outside of the US. I guess the US supplies of parts must be of a lower quality somehow.

    Either way, I personally think the accelerator isn't the problem, but I'm not going to say any more. I just like to think a bit differently.


    They at this stage don't know how long it will take to correct the problem, but for safety owners have been advised to take their vehicles off the road. NOW THAT IS A STUFF UP IN QUALITY CONTROL ON A GRAND SCALE !!!

  13. You younger members may not be farmiliar with the old saying, "IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT". B)

    Just because I'm young, doesn't mean I'm not aware of that common saying.

    Fact of life is... regardless of whether something works well or not, someone is always going to try and "improve" it. Otherwise you'd never be moving forward.

    Biggest problem here is, it hasn't been an improvement. Like good Movies more often than not, the sequel isn't as good as the original !!

  14. If you have read some of the background to this pedal issue you would understand that Toyota engineers designed these components, other manufacturers where then sold licenses to use the design. I repeat Toyota engineers designed this assembly, in fact it was a re-design of what had been up until they fiddled with it, a practical and reliable unit. Rather like the job they've done with the Prius braking units, worked fine until they fiddled.

    You younger members may not be farmiliar with the old saying, "IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT". B)

  15. Bit of common sense ladies and Gentlemen. are you aware that Toyota aren't the only manufacturer who has the faulty pedal gear ( and it is faulty), Citron, Pugeot and several other manufacturers have also recalled vehicles, but Toyota, these days being the biggest world wide is attracting all the attention. It's not just one line of vehicles which use this partiocular part eg. just Aurions, it's a whole range of Toyotas !!

    As for the mat thing, the American models don't have the same clip arrangment for floor mats like we have in the Aurion. Anyone who buys after-market floor mats that can't be secured needs their head read anyway. The likely hood of them ridding up under or wrapping around your pedals is more than just likely and if you looked at traffic accident reports from police, time and time again this problem has been included in accident reports.

    Whilst this may be the Aurion section of this site I think we should also mention the problem Toyota is having with the new Prius braking system. Toyota have come straight out and said they redesigned the system on the latest model prius, most probably because of the increased motor sizes, both the petrol and electric, and they have admitted they have a problem, which they are trying to find a solution too. My wifes Prius, previous model has no problems what so ever in any department.

    All that said, it still basically comes back to quality control, something which Toyota have let slip !! Yes they may be getting outside sub contractors, every vehicles manufacturer dose for just about all the small bits and piecdes and assemblies, I've been to Japan and Korea and if you saw the "back-yard"manufacturers and assembly lines, and I do mean "back-yard"and the use of the wording assembly lines is probably a bit of an over kill, you'd question buying any vehicle, they really are bad one horse town stuff!!! But it's still up to the manufacturer to ensure the standard they want or expect is maintained by their suppliers, who w3ill take a shortcut to make an extra dollar or Yen etc.

  16. Just the choice that the designers made. Maybe it wasn't something they saw as a useful feature. Personally I don't mind the standard analogue gauge. Instead of seeing a fluctuating digital number, you get a smoother fluctuation with the standard gauge.

    Anyways, was it really necessary to make up a new thread just to ask this? Questions like this should go here:

    The STUPID thread

    DJKOR OK, so you might know a thing or two about Aurions, but time and time again, you dfon't have to be rude to those who come onto this site .. :angry:

  17. Here's two sites to look up on the net for weathershields, 'Roof Rack World', they sell slimelines $55 eeach, Sa company. But here's a great site 'Grand Style Auto Accessories', a NSW company. Loads and Loads of goodies nfor Camry/Aurion including Slimline weather shields, Reverse Camneras, Xenon lights, wild interior lights and lots more. This one really worth a look for a whole range of unique goodies !!!!! :yahoo:

  18. I'm amazed that you find your air con not adequate, I've lost count of the cars we've owned and I have to say the air con in our prodigy is amongst the best we've had, it's set all the time to 25 deg. and auto and works like a charm, in NSW, QLD where ever we go. The air con in the wifes Prius the same.


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