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Alfred Q

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Everything posted by Alfred Q

  1. Hi Guys! I finally decided to replace my old Chinese replacement HU with a new Chinese HU! The old one worked great but it was about 4 years old and had some problems. I bought this unit (Hope the link works) http://www.ebay.com/itm/251236906749?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3 Everything is working and looking good except the reversing camera. The new unit uses a can bus harness (which does not fit anywhere in the Aurion) one is can rx (pink wire) the other is can tx (blue wire) I assume these are the one who tell the unit when the camera is powered on BUT I was wondering if there is somebody who experienced this already and what the best course of action would be. i.e a harness adapter? direct wiring (but where?).... The harness that is "empty" but does not fit is behind the original unit and has 2 wires one red with silver dots and one white with silver stripe. I assume the red one is parking 12 V+ and the white one -? besides the can bus harness coming from the unit I earthed the pink wire to the case as per previous installation and I also have a brown "Reverse" wire ....I assume that needs to be earthed as well? Unfortunately this unit did not come with a wiring guide or a manual so I am just trying to see if someone has seen this before! Thank you and all the best Alfred PS. I did search the forum but can bus rx/tx did not bring anything up! God bless.............
  2. Thanks Darryl and Steven! Yes, this interface looks heaps better no doubt. See if I can sell my unit off and get my hands on this one...after all, I have all the wiring done already. All the best Alfred
  3. Cheers Imposter, found one American voice with TTS (Susan?) & that did the job. Thanks mate. Would be interested to see if I could get other voices loaded onto the SD card so will do some research during spare time this coming week. I guess it is a deliberate design not to be able to listen to the radio or a CD whilst the satnav is operative. No major issues with the steering buttons (AT-X) - I have the volume + and - working fine. The mode button at the moment turns the system on & off & I don't know that the other 2 are doing at this stage. The instructions are not real clear & I just need some time to sort out what the various functions are & which button(s) they need to be assigned to. I think I have managed to get the radio to Australia rather than USA2 which it seemed to default to. Anyway I have no major complaints with this unit. Hi Waynus! I have the digi_options unit and you can listen to radio (or anything) t the same time as using the GPS by keeping the Bottom right button pressed while plying whatever you are listening to until the GPS screen comes up. (I think it is the "Band" button). That is how I can navigate backward and forward between Audio and GPS. It may work for you?? All the best Alfred
  4. Hi Adam! I am from Cairns and have been to Townsville a few times in this great car! This Forum is GREAT. The advise received here enabled me to do a lot of things to my car I never thought possible! 1) Installed reversing sensors 2) Installed Head Unit (digi_options) 3) Installed reversing Camera 4) Installed Garage Door opener in dash Learned about car detailing (Never even knew what "claying" is yet the result is AMAZING) There are a lot of people who deserve special mention but the one I would really like to mention here is Darryl (DJKOR). His knowledge about everything AURION is just astounding only matched by his willingness to help and share this wealth of knowledge! If you ever make your way to Cairns feel free to drop in for a cuppa! In the meantime if you have questions feel free to contact me. Regards Alfred
  5. Hi! You are soooo right. I will do my "Thank you" thread but I want to take some pictures first! I am very happy with the way it turned out. I do think itis much more than an ATX now. I may have to follow Au3ion example of debadging my car after all! Kind Regards Alfred
  6. Apology accepted...but what is a "Justin Eanon thread"??? Regards Alfred
  7. And what gives you that impression Brad? I personally don't think he is a bot. He communicates with us just like a normal person would... for example: As far as I'm aware, a bot isn't that appreciative. On top of that, he even used my name in one of his posts: By the way, thanks for the praise Alfred :D Hi Daryl! It is well earned praise. I was just thinking of putting together a "Thank You" thread. was able to 1) Install this unit 2) Install Reversing Sensors 3) Install Reversing Camera 4) Install Garage Door opener 5) Repaint my center console 6) learned about cleaning and cleaning my car (it came up like liquid glass surface) All this thanks to you and other members on this amazing forum. I am not sure what a bot is even though I think I know what a spam is (all the stuff I get in my e-mail without asking for it I guess). As I do not do that I am not sure what caused Brad to come to this conclusion other than that I do like this product as well as this forum which gave me the know how to install it properly. I thought my post may help others and so give back a little after having received soooooo much! Once again ! Thanks to you and all the other members who have helped me so much doing all this things. (I have quit a few amazed friends who just can not believe that I was able to do all that...Heheheheh) Regards Alfred
  8. Hi! A friend of mine is also interested in this unit. I fired an e-mail off and this is what I got. Quote: Hey mate, Thanks for that. We'll hopefully get you sorted with the other unit when I return home from China. I hope everything else is good. Matt e.o.q. Looks like Matt is in China (maybe getting, inspecting new stock?) Hopfully he may even get better units ???? I hope that helps Regards Alfred
  9. Hi Jeff! Sounds like a faulty unit?! Mine still works perfect incoming or outgoing. Once on the call all audio stops but the moment the call ends the sounds come back. Have you had it working previously? Hope you can get this sorted. Regards Alfred
  10. Hi Wulfkind! Great to see that this topic was of interest to quit a lot of people! I am still very pleased with this unit! I was looking into some of the "Carputer" option as dicussed in this thread and even though they seem to be some great units out there they all seem to be very expensive. Looks like from a "Benefit vs Cost" point of view this is still a solid purchase. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have! Kind Regards Alfred
  11. I had it now for a couple of month and I still love it! I am sure you will too! All the best Alfred
  12. You are quite welcome! I know exactly what you mean with being very conservative with additives. A friend of mine stuffed his engine up by putting some "Teflon" coating stuff in there. If you ever decide to use it let me know the difference as you have done some torque testing previously? Would be cool if you have it on paper so as to be able to compare it......yes, I am also very skeptical. (at least I used to be, now I am very happy with my decision to put it in) I did find some independent research done by the Queensland University of Technology that may be of interest to you though (it was based on the previous product though, the new one is considered to be even better so it is OK) If anybody is considering using it, feel free to drop me a line and I can show you how to get your hands on it. I hope your car is OK after the service! Regards Alfred
  13. Hi ! I had a similar problem (previous car). Before I explain what helped me, I have to put a disclaimer in here. 1) I am ABSOLUTLY a noob when it comes to mechanical stuff (that is why I am so grateful to DJKOR for his advise) 2) This is my mechanics advise and opinion only (but it worked for me) 3) it mentions a product being sold by a Network Marketing Company (so if this is deemed out of line please feel free to delete) Now to my experience: My mechanic told me this knocking on start up is usually caused by the engine turning over while the oil has not started lubricating yet( as the engine stops, so does the oil pump, over time the oil film begins to settle, as the oil pump needs the engine running it becomes a catch 22 situation, you need lubrication to start the engine but to get it you must start the engine...I hope this makes sense...it took me a little while to get it but I have a patient mechanic) Therefor the most damage to an engine occurs in the first few seconds after each cold start. Another source of "Knocking" is condensation. As the engine cools , condensation forms and "thins " the oil. (that can also contribute to difficult starts) He recommended "ROIL Gold" (back than) now ROIL Platinum (here is some info on U-tube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiB5fh7PztA I noticed several things 1) no more knocking 2) smoother engine running (it also runs a bit "cooler") 3) more power (it feels more responsive) 4) about 10-15% less fuel conumtion (have not tested it on the AURION though, my last car was a FORD) Before I forget, he told me not to put it into the engine below 10 000km as it also hardens the metal components (less wear but stops it from running in properly, after that less wear is a good thing though) I actually became a member as you can not purchase it from stores...... I hope this is helpful but if you feel it is out of line, feel free to get rid of it! Kind Regards Alfred
  14. Hi ApBPaul! I am pretty hopeless when it comes to making videos and especialy uploading them. I will try to get something done but it may be a few days. After looking at DJKOR's video again I can tell you that they are ery much the same (the only thing I did not notice was the delay on using the bluetooth function and the "forget the last position" problem) If you need pictures though, I can help you with them for sure! Regards Alfred
  15. Hi Steven! Interesting what you have to say about the factory unit (I have the ATX). If you read this thread you can see that there are quit a few sattisfied people around. I agree with your assesment on how e-bay works, as a matter of fact the DIG OPTION unit is a chinese unit as well. Keep us posted of which unit you decide on and leave some fedback! Kind Regards Alfred
  16. Hi Steven! Looks like a neat unit, but why would you replace the factory one though? What feature is it you are after? If you like a nice interface, have a look at the pictures in the first post. I posted them a little while ago as an alternativ for people to the Auspack unit (There is a great write up from DJKOR about that one, VERY HELPFUL)! I liked this one because of 3 reasons 1) Great looking interface (nicer than the one you found IN MY OPINION ONLY) 2) Great Price 3) Australian company with great service! Good luck with whatever decision you make and if you need further feedback let me know! Regards Alfred
  17. You are Welcome! I take it that this worked for you? All the best and kind regards Alfred
  18. Hi kooldude! You have to keep the right bottom button pressed until the screen switches to the Navscreen. I believe it is the "Band" button. You will continue to hear the sound of whatever you where listening to. The only time you will loose your sound is when the GPS gives instructions or warnings (you can mute that feature though) Hope this is of help Regards Alfred
  19. Now that sounds like a good deal! I actually have seen that one when I was doing my research. As a matter of fact I was only a whisker away of going for that one. The thing that persueded me to stick with DigOption was.. 1) The price difference was very little 2) I liked dealing with an Australian company (in case of warranty issues) 3) I prefered the looks of the interface from DIGIOPTIONS better (Personal opinion & taste of course) Great research!! Well done and all the best Alfred
  20. Thanks for the link! It looks like a neat unit BUT for almost 3xtimes the cost of the DIGOPTIONS unit I can not see the same "value for money". For that amount I would probably go for a car PC unit instead. But even than I doubt that the "value for money" equation will be the same. Keep us posted which option you are going to take and how it works out! Regards Alfred
  21. I am not sure but you could probably fire an e-mail to Matt from DIGOPTIONS to find out. digoptions@gmail.com I actualy like the interface the way it is (except the i-pod interface) so I never investigated that aspect of it. I modded the Nav unit heavily with the latest upgrade to the maps and IGO8. Concerning your follow on mail concerning the bigger screen I am sorry to say I did not find the unit you mentioned BUT I found this one very easy to read and good value for money. The one you mentioned is at least twice as expensive for a slightly bigger screen.....not sure I need it, this one is very easy on the eyes and big enough for me. I will continue to investigate though. Ahh, and you are welcome, I am glad this is of help and interest to you! Kind Regards Alfred
  22. Hi There! If you connect the DVD to the handbreak it will not work when driving, I linked it to the case so it works regardles of the handbrake setting. Yes, you can run whatever you want in the background and have the Navsystem running in the foreground. It will only take precedence of the sound system if the Navsystem issues a direction or warning. To do that you have to keep the band button pressed for about 1 or 2 seconds. Screen resolution is 480x234. Hope this is of assistance! Regards Alfred
  23. Hi Its really a great unit for the price. I bought mine 2 weeks ago and its going good. have not had any problems with it. The touch screen is good or if you wanna call it responsive - I dint realise any delays in the functioning of the unit. USB drive is the qickest one to pick up data after the radio. if you go buy the unit - Susan's voice is text to speech (TTS) i.e. it says street names. It took some time for me to get it. However, if i look back it was common sense - it says TTS next to her name from where one can select different voices. (duh) DJKOR - mate, I tried to update the software from the link - but it did not run on the GPS - I tried everything (in my capacity) I even bought a new card - it reads it but does not automatically act like the original one. The original SD car shows 2 folders (GPS LOG and R15 maps for PNA - this has iGo8 folder in it and other data) Let me know what else can i do. Hi there! As DJKOR mentioned already. The sys.txt file is looking for this [folders] app="%SDCARD%/iGO8" If you have a different folder or name you must change this accordingly! All the best Alfred
  24. You could probably get TomTom wince edition. I use TomTom on my phone and love it. How? If you could provide with step by step instructions - it would be excellent. However, as I have not used the pre-installed one properly yet - so do not know which one is actually better. What do you think? or can we have both? Hi there! I would assume you could simply load the TOM TOM software on another micro card (this unit supports 8GB cards) and simply swap them around. Make sure you back up all the origeanl data if you want to use the same card (I would simply buy another card just to be on the save side) Regards Alfred
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