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Coffs Harbour

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Everything posted by Coffs Harbour

  1. If "End Rust " had of given us written conformation that the boot lid would still be covered under there "Life time" warrenty after the repairs had been done we would have accepted Coffs Harbour Toyota's offer. BUT End Rust would not give is this written guarentee. So we are going to court.
  2. Just went to the smash reair place to get them to cheek that everything was OK with them. They done a throurough inspection and noticed the inside of the boot lid needs also respraying. Another quote was done with the inside of the boot lid respray done and the badges removed from the quote. (Coffs Harbour Toyota will be suppling the badges). Also went to "End Rust" They said that respraying the boot lid would not void and warrenty. I asked for this in writing but they said they would need to see the car once the repairs had been done.
  3. The issue has not ben resolved yet. A complaint was lodged with fair trading and with much debate Coffs Harbour Toyota have agreed to pay us for the repairs but with conditions. They wish to pay us the repair amount as quoted by one of the smash repair places, this of course will remove all there responsibilaty of having the car fixed properly on to us. (more like compensation rather than actualy fixing the problem) As we are not after compenstation but simply the NEW car we paid for I am very scepticial of there offer and am going to check with the smash repair place if the quote is still valid and also check with "End Rust" who applied the rust protection as to whether out "life time warreny" is still current after the boot lid has been repaired (resprayed) I do not trust Coffs Harbour Toyota one little bit after they cut corners and supplied a used boot lid with a new car so letting them cut more corners with fixing the problem raises very loud alarms.
  4. Just spoke with Toyota Australia. They said that because the dealer swaped boot lids and we agreed then there is nothing they can do. The dealer said that the boot lid came from another new Toyota Camry deliverd to them at the same time. This may be true when the car was first delivered, but when we got the car back from them after they fitted the spoiler the boot lid was not in the same condition as before they took the car.
  5. Thanks for your replys,PM's and suggestions. I will try to list the series of events that have led to now in point form. -Deposit paid for car, with high rear spoiler fitted, reversing camera fitted and enviro pack, (windows tinted, paint polished rust proofing) - 3-4 days later told by salsman "car is ready" - wife went to pay for car and pick it up, wife rang me told me that small spoiler was fitted, I told wife not to pay for car. - salsman said high rear spoiler not available Toyota do not make them anymore. (note no discount was offered)I told salsman we don't want the car then. _ Salsman found aftermarket spoiler, offered to get it fitted when it arrived approx 1 week. but car would be delivered with a plane boot lid from another new vehicle then the spoiler would be fitted to this boot lid. I agreed and wife paid for vehicle and car was delivered. - approx 1 week later vehicle was taken by salsman, high rear spoiler fitted and car returned. Apon returning of car a customer of ours said that the spoiler doesent match. I also noiced the difference. After much looking and head scratching I came to the conclusion that the spoiler did match the car but the boot lid did not match the car and did not line up with the car. Phone call was made immediatly to salsman stating my concerns. EDIT MORE ADDED _Vehicle was taken again days later, apon returning vehicle I was told by sales man that the car has been buffed and the boot lid re aligned and also that the colour match on the boot lid is acceptable and he invided me to look at other new cars in the lot. - I was not happy with his statment that the car boot lid colour match was acceptable and took the car to a pannel/spray repair shop for assesment. EDIT more added Same day, car was taken to Coffs Harbour Toyota. Mr Skinner asked me to take the car to either Seebreez smash reapirs or Smith and Voit, I knew Garry from Seebreez so opted to go there. When I got to Seebreez which is only 100m from Coffs toyota Gary was on the phone so I had to wait a little. Gary came out to look at the vehicle. Much was spoken about. To conclude Gary said . " The colour match on the boot lid was acceptable" I said "What about the scratches." He replied "They will Buff out" I explained to him that the car had already been buffed by Coffs Toyota and I did not want it buffed again as this would just be removing paint. Later on same day assesment and quote for boot lid repair was picked up from Absolute panel & Paint. See attachment. - A few days later I took a photocopy of the assesment to Col at Coffs Toyota and told him "I would like a new boot lid please." He said he would have to take it up with the sales manager. We waited 3 hrs but no reply from Coffs Toyota so we lodged a complaint with Dept Fair Trading. Approx 2 weeks later we were contacted by fair trading. Fair trading had contacted Mr Skinner and Skinner said they were not prepared to do anything about the car and that we changed our mind about the rear spoiler, I don't know what that has to do with anything but is a lie as we never changed our minds, Coffs Toyota could not deliver the rear spoiler we ordered fitted to the car and paid deposit for. A day or so later I went into coffs Toyota to talk to Skinner to try to sort this out. MORE TO COME WHEN I GET TIME TO TYPE
  6. We purchased a new Camry in June and have been debating/arguing with the local toyota dealer regarding the boot lid condition and the colour match of the boot lid. Have a look at the photos and please share your coments. The local Dealer (Coffs Harbout Toyota. Skinner Motors. ) says there is nothing wrong with it and is not prepared to do anything, we of course after spending $35K are no so happy about there decision. Images have been compressed for easy viewing. 2meg images available. Thanks for looking Carl
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