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Posts posted by piero

  1. ^

    yeah it would be nice to have a Sydney Camry meet, anybody want to organise one? :P

    if i have time, id definately like that come B)

    hey Terry, we always have a monthy meet at Villawood, see this thread.


    but it always turned out to be a ZZE series Corolla meet, but really that is a TOCAU Sydney meet, not Corolla monthy meet!! we want varieties, so please join us!!

    o .... sounds interesting!! have you guys got any function on Sunday arvo?

    all my Sat are reversed for my gf on the 06 calender ... :P

  2. It is not a surprising result that most of the people are using Meguiars products.

    But after my long reserach, I shift my car care kit to "Poor Boys" collection.

    Polish is not recommanded to be done all the times, coz some polishing product will remove some layer of the clear coating on your car.

    I tend to put two layers of Poor Boys Sealents and 1 layer of wax. Looks amazingly good

    That last much longer than every single product by Meguiars.

    Another advantage is sealent can build up multiple layer rather than removing some layer of the paint.

    anyway, just my 2 cents

  3. I used the Blue Vision before. It is totally legal, don't have to worry about the "illegal" issue.

    btw, Blue Vision is not "Blue" at all when you light it on. It is a little bit "whitter" than the stock yellow blub you've got. I think you've got a very good visibility of that light, the light output is good on the road.

    And I turned to the Diamond Vision after a few months, and then I start worrying about the "Blue". Coz you can see a obvious Blue light on the road. And I lost visibility as well ... Not as bright as the Blue Vision and the stock blub.

    This prove the higher the K, the less on light output.

    The higher K only means the blue they are (from yellow ==> white ==> blue ==> purple)

    Anyway, I just changed to HID on last week. I think I will never go back to halogen bulb again. Save more money in long term, coz I don't have to worry about the short life spin of halogen Blub and paying another $60 - 100 for a pair of bulb

  4. First of all, hello to everyone here!

    Browsing this forum for a long long time but this is my first post.

    After my long reserach on the HID light for a long time, finally I installed the HID on last weekend. But my Camry Gen 4 didn't have the projector designed for the head light.

    I really don't wanna blind the on coming traffic. I know that some people here got the projector installed for the HID.

    Can anybody tell me where can I get it done and how much roughly would that be?

    another quick question. Say if I can't install the projector on the head light, can you guys tell me how can I adjust the angle of the low beam towards the ground? Once again, I just don't wanna blind people in front of me.

    Thanks in advance

  5. First of all, hello to everyone here!

    Browsing this forum for a long long time but this is my first post. :P

    After my long reserach on the HID light for a long time, finally I installed the HID on last weekend. But my Camry Gen 4 didn't have the projector designed for the head light.

    I really don't wanna blind the on coming traffic. I know that some people here got the projector installed for the HID.

    Can anybody tell me where can I get it done and how much roughly would that be?

    another quick question. Say if I can't install the projector on the head light, can you guys tell me how can I adjust the angle of the low beam towards the ground? Once again, I just don't wanna blind people in front of me.

    Thanks in advance

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