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Posts posted by Tats

  1. Great reading about your experiences guys, especially Dazza's first track outing. Seems like everyone had their head screwed on right and learned a bit.

    I had my first proper track day at Oran Park last Thursday and my outcome was much the same as yours - the car definitely doesn't need any more power but the driver needs a fair bit of modification :lol: Except my cooling system needs work, f***ing thing kept overheating!

  2. I put out a pair of scratched, bruised, scraped, dented (note to self: never let any woman drive my car ever again anywhere ever) rims for collection last year and they were sniped within hours. Sucks to be that bloke, they were worth less than the space they occupied and I'd already skidded the tires to nothingness.

  3. Glad to hear this is (finally!) going to happen. Can't wait to see the results. Especially the blown 1ZZ vs. whitestivo drag race :D

    (shall I line up the Shanghai pork dumplings at the finish line as a trophy? :P )

  4. Which dyno was that on? Mine has 71kw at SAS (Dyno Dynamics) with just exhaust and intake, and it did that twice with 6 months gap in between, with other cars on both days pulling expected numbers too.

    Wollongong Motorsport Centre (now closed), 2WD Dyno Dynamics. Nothing to compare it to because I only ran it once for fun. 2" press bent catback was the only "mod" (I use the term loosely because realistically it only made noise :lol: )

  5. yeah id be in for that, long as the dyno guys set their stuff up right

    cos look what a guy in newcastle thought my car made


    i mean i know its old but still...

    Mainline dyno in 4th gear, doesn't surprise me at all.

    Both times I've run my car on a Mainline, the results have been way worse than what should have been expected, the last time almost 40% down.

    I don't know what you guys are on about, that looks right to me? My rebuilt 7A made 55kw at the wheels.... what were you expecting?

  6. I agree with you on some points but thinking that "everyone shouldn't do it in the first place" is unrealistic and basically naive. It would be nice if everyone did the right thing but when will that ever happen? And in the meantime, will forcing kids to spend some time in defensive driving courses and on the skidpan do more harm than good?

    I understand your view on the "everyone's doing it" mentality, but if everyone is doing it, aren't you disadvantaging your kids by not preparing them for the worst?

  7. Excellent idea Leroy. Let's teach them to drive in a substandard fashion (according to world's best practice) then tell them as long as they don't break 90kmh, everything will be A-OK :)

  8. Everyone, a round of applause for the NSW government and their industrial mega-pack of band-aids to fix problems with. Too many kids having speed-related accidents? Let's send the highway patrol out in force to swiftly confiscate the license of anyone who looks even remotely capable of spelling the word "speeding". Too many kids having accidents where investigators couldn't bring themselves to tick the big box clearly marked "speed" (because let's face it, if you want a decent story to spin to the media, there's only two boxes - "speed" and "other")? Let's reject many decades of lobbying for better driver education from groups such as the NRMA and just hike the L-plater hours up to 120. That way, they'll have no more money to spend on weekends because the driving schools are taking it all and we'll just force them into writing tales of fiction and adventure into their log books anyway! I'm pretty sure I drove to Auckland and back when I was getting my license!

  9. Dig the consistently understated looks of this car - definitely some fat Camrys and Aurions starting to grace these pages. Goes to show you don't need much to make a great looking car. Simple aero, nice wheels, right height. Loved the menacing black theme but the new paint should look good too.

  10. That's an interesting call by the Philipino government! Your shirt looks pretty cool and I wouldn't describe it as being disrespectful to the flag at all. I wonder what motivated them to make such a decision?

    Oh, but I feel I should comment on this.....

    Since it is considered that the Aussie flag and the anthem are "national treasures"

    Mate our national anthem is about as much of a treasure as a swift kick in the bum :lol: Half the country wants to change it to "Waltzing Matilda"

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