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order last 1

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Posts posted by order last 1

  1. Bringing this thread back onto topic......

    Tempe tyres: Absolutlely nothing wrong with them for the money they ask for their rims, tyres and packages.

    Yes Nankangs may not be everyones cup of tea but what everyone doesn't realise (or think to ask) is that you can pay extra ontop of your wheel package and get better tyres.

    My girlfriend paid an extra $100 ontop of her package price and upgraded to Falken 512's, which is a bargain for $100 more.

    As BLKRLA and Bluerolla has stated there may be an issue with their chrome rims but that can sometimes also be partly subject to peoples use/misuse and maintenance practices.

    As the guys have also stated, its a dollars vs. purpose thing.

    If you own a track weapon (thanks Northy) then you need to be digging deep and be prepared to cough up $$$ for wheels and tyres that will compliment your setup.

    If your car gets you to and from work and/or cruises you about on the weekends in style, then you may be in the position to save a little money in this department.

    Either way, I think its a good idea to buy quality tyres.

    nice one, mate~~~ I am totally agreed with your point... ;)

  2. Mornin Mornin,

    New Stivo round CBR. Rob Scouted me in Fyshwick one day the other week and told me bout u guys. At this stage i'm not sure if i can make the meet on monday (24th) as i have other plans at this stage but i'll try to do some shuffling.

    Welcome to our "awsome, fashion, nice, fast, big, intelligent... " family~~~ :lol:

  3. What a dirty fark. FARK YOU MCSHANE!

    I am personally changing local dealers from Belconnen to Fyshwick here. Order_last_1 was treated like complete crap by the service area at Belconnen (I'm thinking it could've been because he's chinese). I'm disgusted with it. I've seen it happen a lot. Just because you're asian or from a different background completely they hold a grudge against you because of it. I am never going back to Belconnen. Racism has a big impact on me. Having a Dutch background I understand.

    1939, during the Nazi occupation of Holland:

    My great grandfather was starved to death in a prison cell over a 2 month period by the Nazi Gestapo because he was "successful" and "dutch".

    It is farked. It needs to stop. I hope you read this Mcshane, I really do :angry:

    PS: Sorry I raved on guys...it's a very important matter to me.

    Thanks mate! I think the reason why it happens is there is only one dealership in Canberra! Here is the formula "No competition = low service standards + bad price"... :(

  4. hey sheldon,

    we are thinking we are going to meet up, maybe have something to eat, then go down to the carillion and take a few photos of our cars, and then if we feel like it, go for a drive somewhere and terrorise canberra lol. ok maybe not that last part

    nope, dont need to prepare anything, u can wash your car i guess (i know i will - blue always looks dirty) but apart from that, just invite your friend in her red sportivo so we have many more cars!

    That sounds cool mick, Definitely i will wax it the day before the meet :D By the way, I have sent her a e-mail regarding to the meet. But she didn't reply it, yet. It seems she is on holiday this week!! But I will give her buzz again late of this week! ;)

  5. Hi Guys, I am thinking to get CAI for my 05 sportivo. Do you guys know where can i get 1 and installed in Canberra region? Thanks :huh:

    if you were looking for an AEM or INJEN CAI, go straight to ebay, around $350 delivered to your door, usually doesnt take too long.

    TRD one, should be able to source one through canberra toyota, give them a ring an ask

    or for the CES CAI, send Northy or Silvabullit a PM and they should be able to help u out with all the details, when it becomes available to the public (is it yet, or still testing guys?)

    on a different topic though, make sure u check out the Canberra Meet section and make sure u meet up with us when we organise something!

    So much info. Thanks mate, Definitly I will if there is any meet section in Canberra. :)

  6. OK heres how much i got the car for


    It includes:

    -colour/trim as applicable

    -Mat set carpet

    -window tint lifetime

    -underbody rust protector

    -rego, CTP, plates, dealer delivery, stamp duty

    I also traded in a 94 Rav 4 and they gave me about $5500 for it, so still gotta pay $23000

    oh yea they had a special going on, $27990 driveaway. But then that doesn't include carpet, tint, rust and other stuff. However it does include rego and all that.

    Oh My ***~~~ I got 1 there 3 weeks ago with $29,500... T_T It is the same deal with alarm upgrade...

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